I'm losing my balance. A few weeks ago at a football game I was standing on the bleachers with the rest of the corps and I almost fell off them a couple of times. That's actually how I got to know James. He kept looking at me and laughing when I would lose my balance. Today on the way to spanish I was walking with Amaka and I tripped while going up the stairs. Then, later when I walking down the stairs on my way to calc and I was once again talking to Amaka and James, Jason, and Amber (first sgt) were walking in front of us and I was half talking to James at the same time. Somehow I managed to trip and fell face forward down the stairs. Although I was okay and laughing, my loud "Holy Crap" as I fell alerted everyone around me to look at me and I was rather embarrased. The worst part was that I had just put on one of the pairs of shoes that I shined last night, and the fall totally ruined all of my work. I had to go to class and lunch formation looking very ate up because I didn't have time to change them.
Tomorrow Plebe Parent Weekend begins and so there's a compressed class schedule. Breakfast formation is at 5:50am and then my first class, physics, starts at 6:40 and goes untill 7:30. There's a phase-line writ tomorrow and I'm afraid I won't do very well on it. I also have a calc quiz tomorrow which I need to study for. Since I have formation for the trip to Boston at 12:45 I asked CPT Morgan if I could attend an early econ class tomorrow. He said that I could come in E-hour instead of my normal F-hour. That makes my last class end at 11:30 instead of 12:30 which is nice because I'll need that extra time to pack and hopefully pick up the laptop I requested for the trip. I have a philosophy paper and an econ excel tutorial to work on while I'm gone.
It's kinda nice to be going on a crew trip and not haveing to race, but I also wish that I rowed in the A-boat instead of the four. I still love rowing the quad, but I'm jealous of the A-boat. They are doing really well and are obviously MAJ Hall's favorite. The A-boat is the only boat racing this weekend. I'm going to support them, and because I didn't want to use my last pass up. For some stupid reason they decided to my PPW a chargeable pass for the upperclassmen. That means that there will be more upperclassmen hanging around because they didn't want to use a pass up this weekend. Last year there were two or three upperclassmen in my company who didn't leave for one reason or another. Even though they weren't allowed to talk to us or anything I still felt uncomfertable with them around and felt like it detracted from the whole plebe freedom of the weekend. What's up with the uniform being As For Class tomorrow instead of BDU's? It's a Friday before a football game plus I remember wearing BDU's last year on this day. The Corps has...
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