How did I get here? Where am I going? Who am I?
age: 18 almost 19
gender: female
where I'm from: That one State
schools: preschool, safety town, elementry school, middle school, high school, West Point
likes: chocolate, sleep, hanging out with friends, going home, guys, my teddy bear, my family, Berry, relaxing, math, computers, getting out of here often, not being a plebe, interesting military and government stuff, order, West Point, Church, Christmas, birthdays, holidays, crew, pizza, civilian clothes, happy memories, acheiving goals, my cowboy hat, sunsets, going on walks and talking with a friend, creed, fall, jumping in piles of leaves, feeling like i'm a part of something, hot chocolate, frozen custard,
dislikes: parades/drill, SAMI, WPR's, TACs, Regimental/ Brigade runs, being brainwashed, APFT's, no sleep, lots of stress, getting in trouble, being introverted, white chocolate, chocolate icecream, being a new cadet/plebe, lots of homework, feeling alone, haveing to go back to school after a break, santana, 2k's, running, tools, slackers, complaining a lot, smooth jazz, infantry, long boring breifings, abortion, broccoli, english papers, spending a long time at a range,
Goals: graduate from West Point, work for the NSA or something, be happy with my life, marry a man I love and who loves me, tab the APFT, at some point in my life never have to take another PT test, never smoke, not drink untill I'm 21, wait until marrige,
Important things: Jesus, family, friends, country, school, sleep,
favorite quote: "All your base are belong to us" j/k :)
I'm still in the process of figureing out who I am.