Monday, March 31, 2003

If I could be anywhere right now I'd be in the wilderness camping. It'd be in a mountainous, or at least hilly region. That way I could hike up to the top of a tall hill and look at the view. Perhaps I'd bring a good friend along, but right now I'm not sure. It'd be kinda nice to get away from everything for a little while and forget about the outside world. The only think to concentrate on would be survival. None of the small day to day pressures that cloud life. I'm not sure which part of the country I'd go to because right now a few parts look appealing. I really don't care where. I just want to be beautifull, secluded, and have some great views. My favorite part of this last summer was standing on top of a hill overlooking a valley and watching the sun set.

I used to do a small version of it when I was younger. There was a big overgrown field by my house and I'd go and hike through it for hours. It was large enough that in some places it seemed like it was the middle of nowwhere, but small enough that if I walked in any direction for more than 20 min I'd run into a major road or neighborhood. It was as good as I could get at the time. I loved doing that, being on my own, exploring, thinking, relaxing, seeing where nature lead me. I never got bored, but it usually wasn't enough. I didn't want a field, I wanted the real woods.

Right now I guess I want to get away from everything and recharge. Spring break didn't do it for me. Most breaks don't because there's the feeling that since I'm away from school I need to cram everything I want to do into that time that I have so that I don't miss out.

As a kid I loved books on people surviving in the wilderness. Books like Sign of the Beaver, Island of the Blue Dolphins, My Side of the Mountain, the first Box Car Children's book, the Little House on the Prarie books, etc.

Oh well, my wilderness adventure isn't going to happen anytime soon. Now I'm off to practice and then back to study for my Thayer day tomorrow.
Tough week ahead. Oh joy. They just keep coming. My first regatta is on Saturday. It's here against Fairfield. The guys are going to MIT to race.

Sitting around all day has left me feeling lazy and, well, blah. Today I should've gotten more fresh air that I did. I don't think walking between barracks to visit friends counts. My brain feels like mush. Ah well, back to homework. Dirt time.
I look and sound like crap right now. For some reason my left eye decided to turn red today and my cold, although a lot better than it was a few days ago, is leaving me very congested and coughing.

Yesterday there was a platoon competition in the morning, after which I went to the Hanlon's house for about 1 1/2 hours to celebrate Amy's birthday and also relax a bit. I said I'd be back around 3 or 4, and got back exactly at 3. In the evening I went out with a few friends to a pizza place and then a movie. It was a fun evening.

Being sick, tired, and stressed makes me a mess. I feel bad for my friends having to put up with me during these times when I blow stuff out of proportion and focus way too much attention on the little things that really don't mean anything.

My one good point of the night:
Me: it's like vegetables - they tast really gross when you eat them, but you can't grow with out them.
Friend: hmmmm?
Me: analogy. what's good for you in the long run doens't always feel like it at the moment.

Still learning, still growing, still changing. We'll see how it all turns out in the end. It's amazing how things change.

Saturday, March 29, 2003

It takes me a while to get to know someone and be comfertable being myself around them. I guess I act different around different people based on how well I know them. I've really realized that this year. There are all number of examples that I could talk about, but I'll just stick to one or two. For example, this year I've started going to OCF, or Officer Christian Fellowship, after being invited by my friend Leah. The first few times during small group time I don't think I said a word. Instead, I sat, watched, and listened to everybody talk and interact to get a feel for the people and the group. Only after I started to become comfertable around the people and trust the group did I start expressing more of myself. Even now, however, I don't say a lot, but that's changing.

I'm about to start analyzing this to pieces. Actually, I've already started doing it in my head. Why do I always do that? I take some issue and tear it to pieces trying to find the root cause. Ahh! Now I'm going to start analyzing that problem. Time to take the advice I've recieved many times from a great friend, Matt, and just stop thinking.

Steph's probably off at Air Force basic training now. I hope she's doing okay. I think this will be a really good opportunity for her. She's another person it took me a while to become comfertable around. We met in 5th grade when we were on the same summer softball team. I thought she was so cool and was one of the best players. We played on the same softball and basketball team every year after that in middle school except for 8th grade when she was on a travel team. I wanted to be friends with her, but was really really shy in middle school and went to a different school than all the others girls on the team and was always really quiet. It wasn't until 10th grade that Steph and I became good friends. Steph's been one of my best friends since then. Senior year my friends Liz, Steph, and I did almost everything together in and out of school. The spring dance, coming home, was the dance that the girls asked the guys. Steph got me to ask the guy that I had a crush on to the dance. He said yes and Liz, Steph, and I were all going to go in a group with our dates, but when their dates fell through I ended up telling my date that I couldn't go anymore. That guy ended up asking me to prom and we kinda dated during the last few months I was home. That was also due in part to Steph and her convincing Jake and I to actually talk to each other because we were both shy.
Wow. High school flew by. That was 2 years ago. Hahaha, I bet I'm making some people feel pretty old right now. Sorry.

Friday, March 28, 2003

This week is almost over. YAY! Yesterday my cold got a lot worse and so I didn't row my 2K at practice. Leah and I are planning to row ours after practice today.

The amount of news coverage on the war is amazing. I think it helps more then hinders the war effort that reports are imbedded with the troops in Iraq.

My Mom's surgery went well yesterday and it appears that she doesn't have cancer. When my dad called and told me that I was so happy and relieved.

Yesterday I had to attend two lectures. One was for AP and the speaker was the Honerable Francis K. Brooks. He's a Congressman from Vermont and also the Comm's uncle. I don't remember the name of the proffessor who spoke at the other lecture, but it was by madatory for everyone in DFL. Everyone came away from that lecture wondering if that man had actually just said what we thought he said. I think his main point was to show that it's important to know more than one language and culture. He talked about how being bilingual means that you are culturally schizophrantic. His points were so scattered and overshadowed by worthless information that it was very hard to follow and get anything good out if the lecture. The part that everyone will never forget was when he closed by proposing the foundation of the United States Military Peace Academy (USMPA). Instead of Beast barracks, there'd be Peace Barracks. He'd even gone so far as to design the academy crest. Thankfully the course director for DFL did not allow any questions after the lecture.

Try saying "Bunker buster bombed" 10 times fast.

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Can this week please just end. There's that one thing that makes it really suck, plus tomorrow I have a physics instructor writ, my math project due, and AI for my CS project, plus instead of doing FCDT on the M240 and M249 like I planned, I now have to do it on land navigation because the arms room isn't let anybody check out any weapons this week due to the M14 issue. That reminds me, I have to go pick up my M14 and also lock up all of my valuable stuff tonight since we're having a security inspection sometime tomorrow. On Thursday I have my CS project due, my mom has surgery, and I have a 2k test. Friday is a prob & stats quiz, Saturday is the best platoon competition. We were supposed to have a regatta, but Coast Guard chickened out of coming. At least there isn't SAMI on Saturday. The Shumackers are having out OCF group over Friday night. I really want to get out of here on Saturday night, especially since I don't know if I'll have another chance this year until TEE leave because of crew. I think next week is a home regatta, but I could be wrong.

Stress stinks. Arid works. Actually, I don't think it works very well. I perfer Secret Platinum Protection.

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

What should I be doing right now - homework. What am I actually doing right now - writing in this journal. Oh well.

This morning I woke up and it felt like I had slept in even though it was 6:11am. The feeling was rather nice and I was actually awake and alert in all of my classes. I'm guessing that not many other poeple can say that the day after spring break.

I said no to going to dance class tonight because I had to go work on my math project that is due on Wednesday. I have a CS project due Thursday and am really screwed on that one. Hopefully I can go in for AI tomorrow. I'm really sucking in that class right now.

Lot's of talk about the war. I try and stay as updated as possible.

Bea-hob just IM'd me. Haven't talked to him in awhile.

The weather was awesome today and the river looked like glass, but unfortuanatly we had to do a 30 min erg piece instead of going out on it. Tomorrow we're going out on the water. That'll be great, but the water will be much colder than the water in Florida. 2K on Thursday.

Annah, Jordan, and I are all in the same combatives class. It should be a very interesting class if any of us keep getting paired together. All of us have strong competitive streaks when it comes to that area. I can only really fight when physically provoked by someone on purpose, but once I get going I go all out if they are actually trying to fight. A different side of me comes out.

friend: do you feel like your journal help you in anyway?
me: it really used to help me a lot, but now i'm more cautious about what i write in it and have started a notebook journal that helps me more becuase that's where i really say what's on my mind. now i just feel like my online journal is self-centered and somewhat immature.
friend: why so?
me: all i do is talk about myself and my petty problems and life. there are much more important things going on that i could discuss, such as the war, but instead i focus on how i'm feeling and stuff like that

That's been on my mind.

Monday, March 24, 2003

Bad mood.

I'm back at school, my laptop isn't working properly and so I can't use it and don't know how to fix it, I have no clue how to do physics, I'm tired, boys suck currently, and basically just doing a lot of self-pitying. Perhaps I should stop now.

Hmm, good, my teddy bear is nice to hug, my ron jon flip flops are really comfy, the Dave Matthews concert tonight was really cool and I got to go to it, I talked to Frank over spring break and also had a really good conversation with Matt, Roger asked Betsy out on a another date, I'm wearing my really comfertable pj pants, neither beth, molly, nor meghan snored, it's warmer here than it was before. Now that I'm in a little bit of a better mood I think I'll go to bed.

Friday, March 14, 2003

Spring break starts today. YAY!! Breakfast formation was at 5:50 this morning and the first class started at 6:40. Thankfully the professors understood that none of use were really paying much attention and hadn't done much work last night to prepare. In fact, the only class that I did do anything in last night was AP. My last class was AP and my teacher let us out around 9:10, so I went and helped Josh pack up his room.

Yesterday was promotion for the plebes. I can't believe it's already been a year since I was promoted. It definetly felt different being the one pinning on the US brass on my plebe instead of being the one having it pinned on to me.

Last night I hung out in a friend's room until 15 min before taps and got back to my room and rememberd that before I started packing I first had to fold all of my laundry. I ended up staying up until around 1, I think. It's gotten to the point where I don't really remember what I time I got to bed anymore. Time just blends together here. The days drag by, but the weeks fly.

Lots of talk of the US going to war with Iraq. I could go into that, but I'm not going to right now. My teachers are starting to remind us to watch out for security hazards and other such stuff. I guess I should be a little more carefull.

I must say that this break, even if it is going to involve 6 hours of practice a day, is definetly needed. 3 weeks straight of 6 days of class a week is killing everyone here. 1 day weekends suck. I hope this spring break is as much fun, if not more fun, than last spring break. Coach added on two hours of practice to our day, but that just means that we'll come back in even better shape and hopefully all do really well on the APFT. That, and either I'll get a great tan or I'll be beet red. I can't wait.

Monday, March 10, 2003

My right knee swelled up once again. It's a tad worse this time and ever so annoying. Hopefully it will be fine by practice today. At least I can still bend it all the way unlike in high school when it happened a few times. Right now it basically just feels funny, weak, and a little stiff. My guess is that it's from having 5 days of hard practice last week and then going for the ruck march on Saturday. I took Sunday off to rest because of all of that, plus I rarely do any type of physical activity on Sunday. Yes, I am a lazy bum.

4 days...
The closer spring break gets the more I want to get away from here. I just have to survive until Friday afternoon. Four and a half days.

Saturday, March 08, 2003

Yes, I love Saturday Classes. They make my life complete. It's so sad that next year they're getting rid of them. I think I'm going to cry. What will I do on Saturdays? Perhaps I'll have a SAMI every Saturday morning so that I have something to do, but it won't be the same. No As For Class, no chicken -on-a-stick that looks more like dead rat on a stick for lunch, no physics class first thing in the morning. Life will be miserable without these Saturday class days next year. I guess I'll just have to enjoy them while they last.

If anyone believes that I actually like going to class on Saturday go haze yourself in the mirror.

Friday, March 07, 2003

Blah. While most people here are counting down the days, and some even the hours and minutes until spring break I am still just trying to make it through the day. The teacher's pre-break rush of projects and papers is starting to hit me in full swing. Right now it's an AP paper, CS project, and Math project probably mixed in with some tests and quizzes that I've forgotten about. Of course behind on all of them at the moment. My friends tell me that there are 8 days left until that glorious day of freedom comes. In the true West Point way there is a compressed scheduale that day and a full class day once again this weekend on Saturday.

This week we were supposed to get on the water for crew, but there's still a bunch of ice left. Coach Hall is taking this opportunity to kill us on the ergs. Thankfully he's let us be in the tanks for the past two days, but that just means that he can torture us again tomorrow. Today at practice he was actually saying something about how he want's us to be in a lot of pain. I understand his point, but does he actually have to go and admit it to us? I think he enjoys seeing us grimice during the 12th 500m sprint on the erg we do at 100% pressure. Hopefully all this work will pay off and we'll blow the other teams out of the water this spring.

Since I got the AA slot I can't do the Microsoft AIAD. Oh well. Now I have to get in shape for AA. Anne and I are planning on going for a ruck march on Saturday after classes. I need to start running and doing pushups a lot more. At least now I have some serious motivation to work out really hard.

Today it snowed 4-5 inches. Maybe I'll go snowboarding this weekend if there's time. It's doubtfull, but you never know. It'd be really nice to take OPP's Saturday and go somewhere away from here with some friends.

I wonder if people are annoyed that this is a journal and not a true blog. Not that I really care. It seems rather petty.

The Cow's got their loans today. $25,000 at 1% interest and they don't have to start paying it off until after graduation when it comes directly out of their pay for 5 years. It's a rather good deal if you invest it wisely. Once again in the words of Coach Hall: "There's a big difference between No Risk and Low Risk." I have a lot of respect for him, but I still think he has horns growing out of his head.

Now it's time to get back to doing homework. Does it ever end?

Tuesday, March 04, 2003

I've started reading I kissed Dating Goodbye and Boy Meets Girl, both by Joshua Harris, for about the 10 millionth time. Both are very good books and make me thing about things going on in my life and what choices I want to make. I want to recommend them to some people, but they'd probably think I'm crazy. I think that the books present some excellent points about dating and relationships and that that anyone can get something out of reading them.
I went to give blood this afternoon with Reggie around 3 and felt fine right afterword, but then walking back up to the barracks I started to feel light-headed and by the time we reached the barracks I was feeling pretty bad. When I got back to my room I collapsed on my bed and didn't move from that position for about 45 min. Reggie also crashed when he got back to his room, or so I'm told. I'd been planning on going to practice, but that definetly didn't happen. I was a little light-headed and loopy until around 7pm.

It's Monday night meaning that Alyson and Brian have dance lessons once again, but once again Alyson asked me at the last minute to fill in for her. It think tonight was the 5th lesson, but she's only gone to the first one. I went to the second one with Brian and every lesson after that she would ask me to fill in for her because something would come up, but Brian ends up having a conflict as well and can't make it. I guess they make good partners, except they forget to tell me that they can't make it until 10 or 20 minutes before the class and so I'm rushing around to change because Alyson can't make it, and then I find out that I don't have to go because Brian calls or IM's and says he can't make it either. It's getting rather annoying.

I have this friend that I talk to and hang out with a lot and I think that some people are starting to think that we're more than just friends which isn't the case. People start thinking things when you're seen with a guy a lot, even if it really isn't anything. I'm starting to feel kinda weird going to his room because some of my friends are starting to ask "Kate, what's going on with you and ..." and there isn't anything going on. We're just good friends. I want to be good friends with him and I don't want anything to change. Does it really matter what other people think?

Monday, March 03, 2003

A cold snap hit West Point this morning. I woke up thinking it would be warm out since yesterday it was around 40 degrees, but it turns out the temperature was around 7 degrees and really windy. The good thing was the breakfast formation was indoors. Walking to class I wore my gray jacket and garrison cap instead of the black parka and skull cap. That wasn't the best idea since the wind was really strong and my ears froze. Oh well.

6 week grades came out this weekend. I'm really hurting right now. I have a C- in Spanish, 3 C+'s, one B, and an A-. If I want to keep my NSA intership AIAD that I have for next summer I need to bring all my grades up to at least B's. It's going to be a tough semester with physics and crew.

Today I got an email asking me if I'm still interested in the Microsoft AIAD this summer. The description of it is:

You’ll find the energy and innovation of a start-up, and the resources and support of a Fortune 500 leader. Headquartered in Redmond, Washington, Microsoft (NASDQ symbol: MSFT) employs thousands of people in a wide array of fields. Our core mission: create groundbreaking technology that unleashes creativity, connects businesses, and makes learning more fun. We enable people and businesses throughout the world to realize their full potential. From Xbox to Windows, Office to MSN we invite you to get an inside view of our world. What have you done with your software lately? It’s a hard-working, world-changing environment—one powered by challenge-seekers a lot like you. Learn more about Microsoft at

Right now it fits into my summer scheduale because I don't currently have a MIAD and the only other thing that I'm doing is Beast 2 as a squad leader. I'm hoping that and Airborne slot opens up so that I can get that out of the way. I had and Air Assault slot last week, but I gave it away after 10 minutes first becasue I really don't want to go to Air Assault school, plus, Ari told me that if I keep it I don't have a chance at Airborne school this summer. The Microsoft thing is either from 2 June to 20 june, or 9 June to 27 June. Beast 2 doesn't start until either 10 July or 13 July. I don't remember which one right now. I don't really care about summer vacation anymore so that's not a huge factor in the equation, plus I don't think I'm allowed more than 3 weeks of vacation and if I don't take this slot then I'll have 5 weeks. I guess I should just reply and say that I'm still interested.

All I really care about is keeping my NSA slot for next summer. I have a post-it note stuck up on the bookshelf above my desk that says "NSA" so that I keep focused on the goal. It feels really good to have a goal again.
I was going to write something tonight, but now it seems too personal. I used to talk about guys all the time on here, but now I know that people actually read this and it seems kinda weird to talk about who I like or anything related to that subject. I've thought about starting a real journal, the pen and paper kind so that I can write down more personal things, but so far I haven't gotten around to it. I don't like writing when I don't have anyone to write to.
This morning I woke up and looked outside and it was pouring rain and this place looked more gray then ever. The idea of not going to Church in sounded very appealing because I didn't feeling like going out in the rain in dress gray. However, 10 min before I was supposed to be at Anne's room I finally decided to change and go. Two of Anne's friends went with us and after Church we kind of lost them in the shuffle of putting on our rain coats and everything. It turns out they ended up waiting outside the Church for us when we had already left. Later on they sent Anne an email that said:

"John and I waited in the rain outside the chapel for you and Kate. However, you two had already decided to leave us behind. For that you will receive the dreaded picture which depicts what you are."

Attached was a picture of the muppet bald eagle with a blueish tint to it and titled Blue Falcon. I laughed and then sent Anne an email saying that I was hanging my head in shame.

This afternoon the rain stopped and amazingly enough the rain stopped and the sun started shining. It's so nice out right now. The temp is around 40 degrees out and the sky is pretty clear, but with a few wispy clouds left. I really want to go on a walk tonight and enjoy it. When I was walking to Grant to get some food I suddenly was reminded of summer evenings at home. It was something about the smell and the look of everything. It was a carefree, fresh, energetic feeling.

Spring break is in less the 2 weeks. Yay. I'm really looking forward to going to Florida. Warm weather, fun with some of my best friends, plus I'll get a really good work out.

Yesterday was 100th night for the Firsties. At the 100th night show I was looking at all of the firstie guys their civilian dates in there beautiful dresses wishing that I could look like that. They all looked so perfect together. There was a suprise at the end of the show when one of the guys in the show actually proposed to his girlfriend who was also in the show. They were both cadets. It was really cute, but my friends and I later talked about the guts that guy must have to do that in front of all of the people there, which included some generals.

Only a few 3 more months and I'm a cow :)

Saturday, March 01, 2003

Physics test tomorrow. Yay! That's just want I wanted to do on my Saturday morning. Okay, not really. I just want to pass. Physics is really making me work this semester. If I could only have Anne's brain. I think she's the only person I know who doesn't have to take second semester of physics because she already knows all the stuff. She's only in one yuk class this semester, wellness, and that's not even a real class in my opinion. Anne is also an awesome coxswain. Go Anne!

Yesterday I went over to Anthea's room for some help in spanish. I came out of there having learned a few more words and increased my confidence by a lot. Tonight she's on the Q so I think I'll stop by with some girl scout cookies and get some more help.