Friday, December 28, 2007


Change. I do not deal very well with change, especially when I am not able to ease in to it. Last year when it was nearing the end of my tour in Iraq I dreaded coming home. It was not that I enjoyed being in Iraq, but it was what I knew. The thought of the all the changes that lay ahead terrified me. Looking back I can see many instances where I was terrified of the changes that lay ahead. One was the change of command midway through Beast. Though my squad did not particularly like our first squad leader I was not looking forward to the switch to a new squad leader because it would be adjusting to a new person, who could be better or worse then the first. Turns out we liked our second squad leader a lot better.

When I go home I always imagine that it'll be a sort of escape for the hectic life I currently live and all the changes that lay ahead. I get sucked into thinking I'll be returning to the the comfort and familiarity of the life I left behind....but I don't. I come home to change. Lots of change. Life has moved on since I left. The house is nearly always different in some way when I come home, be it a change in a room's décor, or just new dinner plates. The neighborhood's changed with new houses being built in the fields I used to escape to for solitude. People have changed, gotten older, gotten married, lived their lives. At least when I am back where I live in Texas I have gotten used to the familiarity of my surroundings and can slowly adjust to the changes as they happen because I am present to watch them. When I come home to Michigan it is like being hit with a million changes all at once and nothing is familiar.

I noticed over Thanksgiving that I had a somewhat hard time while I was home, but then when was in Minnesota my mood and outlook was vastly improved. Perhaps it was because I had no expectations for the familiar since it was my first time visiting Betsy and Mark. I was not constantly surrounded by reminders of all that I have missed in the time I've been away and all that has changed. I could truly relax because I was not trying to reconcile my memories of the past with the state of the present.

Change is not bad, but it is overwhelming at times.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Fast Forward

10-21DEC07: Out in the "field" flying with my platoon.
24DEC-02JAN07: Home on leave
06JAN-15FEB07: Fort Leavenworth, KS for a 6 week course.
Very Early March: Deploy to Iraq
My life is suddenly moving very fast.  Sweet.
I am still running, but I'm too lazy to sit down and log it into my computer.  I also haven't been running as much recently and when I do run it is at a much slower pace. 
I am most likely going to become Catholic sometime here in the near future. 
Congratulations Uncle Dave and Debbie on your three new babies! 
Have I mentioned that I'd like to get married, settle down, and raise a family?  In the mean time I'll make the most of my all expense paid trip to the desert.  It's about the same, right?  Family vs.  War...they both have the letter A in the words, and the words are also composed of letters in the english alphabet.  Yes, the similarities between the two are quite stunning. I definetly could mix them up if I'm not careful.