Homework and I are not agreeing. I really need to do it, but I can't seem to concentrate. The room seems unusualy noisy and distracting. Going to the library to study would be a good idea, but I don't think I'll be able to convince my body to get up and move that far.
This evening Ez came over and we ended up argueing over how carmel was pronounced. She says caramel and I say carmel. It was the stupidest thing, but we were both having fun making fun of each other and laughing about it. Just now she called me to tell me about how Isaac (the guy she likes) IM'd her today and then called her :)
Find something to smile about every day. Love God, love your family, and don't give a damn what anybody else thinks. Remember to have fun. Stop everything and take a every so often. Put everything into perspective and your problems seem a lot smaller and sometimes even stupid compared to what some people face. Make someone feel special brighten up your own day. You are not the center of the universe. Try something new once in a while. Dare to step out and make a fool of yourself. Expand your horizons. Don't be afraid of love or loss. Success is a long journey, failure is only a brief moment. Don't compare yourself to others, everybody's different. Find out who you are and be yourself. Be a servant to others. Never compramise who you are, what your morals are, or what you believe. One moment of happiness is not worth a lifetime of pain. Have a goal and work to achieve it. Reward yourself. Pray. Showing emotion is healthy and good for you. Find your niche. You are your own best friend and worst enemy. Life is an adventure, grab it by the balls.
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