Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Wow! Sometimes I amaze myself with how stupid I am. I was looking at the time stamp on my most recent post and wondering why it said it was posted at 12:13.33 AM. I was looking at my clock and it said it was currently 1:18 PM and so I was wondering why the two times didn't match up. I even went and checked to make sure I had the time zone set right for the page. Then I realized that the times were different because I wrote and posted the entry last night. Why did I think it should say the current time???

Another stupid moment of the day was when my english teacher asked the class how many people had gone to the city on the train. For some reason I thought that "the city on the train" was the name of some place or city and I was wondering why so many people were raising their hands when I'd never even heard of it before. Then, as class was ending I realized that the title of one of the books we have for class was "Moves Writers Make" and was about how to write well. For the past week I thought the title was "Movies Writers Make" and assumed it was about movies or something to do with movie production. I think I need more sleep...

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