This morning at practice we were supposed to go out on the water, but when my boat set the shell down in the water we realized some shoes were missing. No water for us today :( I wasn't feeling great, but decided to pull my 6k piece on the erg that I have to do for the cow fitness test. I managed a 26:07.9. I wish I could remember what I pulled last year. That's about a 47/50 or a 48/50 on that portion of the test. I doubt I'll row one again on my own because we'll probably have to row them for practice someday when we're not out on the water. Hopefully I'll get it down in the 25 min range.
Back to the fact that I need more sleep. In Mil Art today we had a lecture which sucked for me. I couldn't even look at Prof. Rogers, the man speaking, because when I tried to focus on him my eyes would go cross eyed and I couldn't keep them open. The lecture was spent biting my cheek, strechting my back, pinching my arms, and trying to do anything that would keep me awake. I did my best to take notes because I figured that would help both for the class and to keep me awake. Doodling was very tempting, but LTC Gentile was sitting two seats down from me and I didn't think that would look very good if he saw my notes page and it was covered with pictures.
Last night I tried to get to sleep as early as possible, but was disctracted a few times while trying to finish my studying. At one point I wanted to kill Josh J. Okay, not kill, but at least send him off to antartica. I've been acting as the activities sgt/officer for the past week because he's been gone. Now he's back, but I'm still the one doing all of the work it seems. Last night he was supposed to come by so that I could brief him on everything that I've done and what stuff needs to get done and how to accomplish it. He never came by, but did send me an email asking to make slides for the Meet the Staff briefing today. Really, I shouldn't complain. It's not that bad. Besides, if it continues this way I may have a shot at actually doing stuff that I want to do, such as fixing up the dayroom.
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