Sunday, August 31, 2003

Today was a pretty good day. I got up around 9am and at 10 I met up with some friends and we went for a hike north of WP. At one point we decided to hike up this hill, that in some parts was actually a cliff. It really wasn't that big of a climb, but it still made me a little nervous because I didn't know if I could trust my shoes because they were running shoes, not climbing shoes, plus, I looked down. Never look down. I tried not to think about what would happen if I slipped and just continued to climb. It was a nice challenge.

At 2 I went over to the Schumachers house with some of my friends from my OCF small group. We stayed there until 12:40. I love going over to their house. It's fun watching the boys play around, and today I actually joined in on the wrestling match. Playing with them and watching my friends wrestle with them made me miss Isaac and Annah. After dinner we started the second Lord of the Rings movie. I hadn't seen it before and thought it was pretty good.

Saturday, August 30, 2003

What is happiness? More and more I'm looking around and seeing what I don't want out of life, but am still lost as to what I do want. I'm scared that I'll make a wrong turn somewhere down the road and one day find myself living a life I don't like in a job that I don't like with no hope.

This summer I was able to work at Sandia National Labs for 3 weeks. It was an awesome opportunity and I had a great time experiancing what New Mexico had to offer, meeting new people, and basically living on my own for the first time, but I also came to realize that I really don't want a desk job. Every morning I would wake up and dread having to go into work because time would pass so slowly at my desk. 8 hours seemed like an eternity. Perhaps it was just because I didn't really understand what I was doing, but all I know is that the happiest moment of my day was when I was able to walk out to my car and leave.

I don't want to be doing the same thing repetely everyday, but I also want some structure to what I'm doing. I want to be challenged, but not to the point that I feel like it's hopeless. Perhaps I'll find that in the Army. I wonder what the real Army is like. I've gone to West Point for 2 years now, but I have no clue what life is like in the real army. West Point is not the real army.

Friday, August 29, 2003

Just have to make it to lunch and then the weekend starts. This is the first time that I don't have anything in the afternoon. No classes, no practice, no mandatory dinner. Nothing. It's Labor Day weekend. Time for a break. Time to hang out with friends, have fun, and relax. Good stuff.l
The funeral was today. I didn't go, but know some people who did. I never knew him, but I've heard that he was an amazing guy and I wish I had known him. We had the TAPs vigil on Tuesday. Seeing his family there standing on the side of the plain watching the whole corps line up along the plain really moved me. I don't know how to describe what I feel as I stand there among the rest of the corps and think about how one of us is no longer there.

Tuesday evening before the TAPs vigil I thought about the fall of plebe year and everything that has happened since then. First I found out the week after plebe parent weekend that my oldest sister had cancer. She had the same cancer that my mom had when I was really little. Soon after that I learned that Jon, a boy from my Church back home, also had cancer. Those were both really hard things to come to terms with. The worst experiance, however, was going with one of my roommates to the top of Thayer hall and the back of Cullom Hall because one of our friends had not been where she was supposed to be and we did not know where she was and had reasons to believe that she may have jumped. I was so scared that I would see her body on the ground below. Thankfully, she had not jumped and later that night we found out what was going on and where she was. It was hard because I was not allowed to talk about it to anyone and nobody in the company knew anything except the CO and the TAC. The ending is bittersweet. My oldest sister is in remission now, my friend eventually decided it was best to leave the academy that spring after struggling with the decision for a few months, and Jon died in late July the next summer. Jon was such a good kid. He was only 14. Why him? Why Peter?

When my Grandpa died when I was 11 I kept saying that he was the lucky one because he was in Heaven. I believe that about Jon and Peter, but that doesn't make it any easier for those who knew them and wish they were still alive.
The most amazing thing happened this evening. I finished all of my homework for tomorrow and it's not even 10:40. I have other stuff that I should work on, but I'm a huge procrastinator.

This afternoon I took a nap for about an hour. I woke up feeling much worse than I had when I went to sleep. For the next hour after I woke up I felt like I was about to fall over. Today in CS Bea-hob had to keep poking me to keep me awake, and that was last hour. Thankfully tomorrow is Friday and this weekend is a three-day weekend due to Labor Day. I really shouldn't complain about being tired because a lot of people are much worse off than I am. My friends who are PSG's and 1st Sgt's probably get even less sleep than I do. It's my fault that I don't get enough sleep. I don't manage my time well enough and get easily distracted. At least this semester I'm not being stupid and trying to do homework in someone else's room. My priorities this semester are School, Crew, friends, in that order for the most part.

Thursday, August 28, 2003

It's such a nice day outside. There's not at cloud in the sky, the temperature is perfect, and everything is to bright and cheerfull. The sunrise was beautiful this morning, although I prefer sunsets. The sky had pink stripes across it and the hills slowly lit up as the sun rose. Morning practices do have some nice things about them such as being able to see that, but usually I'm still half asleep and don't notice.

CRAP!!!! I forgot to sign up for my conferance with my english composition teacher. I was going to do that after IR because his office is in LH. Now I have to walk back there before going to Bartlett. Blah. Yes, I am a lazy bum.
This evening I gained a newfound respect for someone I know. He was able to do what many people cannot do, and by doing so he has become that much of a better person in my eyes.

This may sound really old fashioned, but after reading the two books by Joshua Harris, I Kissed Dating Goodbye and Boy Meets Girl, I really liked the idea and have read both books over again many times. A lot of relationships today seemed to be based on doing what feels good at the moment. I want a relationship that has a purpose and also has God, family, and friends involved. Have I done that in the past? Truthfully, no, but I've come to realize that I won't be happy with anything less. Anyway, I'd suggest the books to anyone who is interested. They are both really good and made me think about a lot of things. I don't think it's a good idea to start a relationship with someone you don't know, but instead it's better to become good friends first and see where it goes from there. In the past that is how I got some of my closest guy friends. We would like each other, but decide to be just friends. Over time we would get to know each other really well and become pretty close, but also find that we were not right for each other. By doing it that way we saved ourselves from a lot of pain and hurt. It's not an easy thing to decide to do, just be friends, but I think I like it best in the long run. I just hope that someday I'll find the right person.

This morning I had a good conversation with my dad on the phone when I called to tell him about an analogy I'd thought of. I wanted to get his opinion on it. He said it was a pretty good one. Perhaps I'll write it down later so I don't forget.
An email from my coach explaining to us why he missed practice this morning. He's a funny guy:)

Whichever of you gets this first could send it out. I need help setting up a distro. This computer is different from the one I had when I was in Thayer. That one was older, slower, and easier - just like its operator.
First of all, I have no excuse for missing this AM's practice. I am pleased and amazed that you got on the water.
My alarm is a clock radio. It is simple to use. (I can just hear Abby, Mindy, and Sarah saying that it would have to be - and Margo probably thinking it.)
Let me tell you how it works. It can be on, off, radio alarm, and buzzer alarm. Of course most of the day it is off. At night I usually turn it on looking for some right-wing talk show, and I might say, I am not usually disappointed. THEN, I turn it up loud and set it to radio alarm. BUT before GETTING to radio alarm the radio is turned off. This has been no problem for me because there is a little red light which indicates radio alarm is on. No red light, no alarm. Last night when I turned radio on I fell asleep and upon waking up, did not turn button far enough to alarm radio. I woke up at 0608 this morning. I was tired. I debated racing down to the BH to see the end of your practice which I figured would be on ergs, but a voice said to me:
"what if they went running? Then you would rush down there all for naught. Wouldn't it be better for an elderly (but still youthful in some ways) gentleman such as yourself to roll over and see what happened?" Well, what happened was that I slept until noon.
The only other failures I have had with this clock are two times when I wanted to get up at 5AM, but set it for 5PM. Both times some internal body clock woke me up, so I was OK. Seriously, I am the first person at the BH each AM. If I am not there by 0515 at the latest, it means that there has been a power failure, or that I have somehow managed to sleep through my alarm, so you should do what you did today, or better yet, get on the erg and do 3 2k pieces striving for your most
recent score plus 10 seconds on EACH PIECE. I would rest 6 minutes between pieces.
Yay! I'm happy. I just finished my scrolling sign for EE360. It's a pretty easy thing to build. All you have to do is solder all of the things and that takes about 3 hours. The message I have it scrolling is "Go Army Crew!" When I was walking out of Thayer I ran into Abby and showed it to her. She didn't believe that I built it myself because it looks more complicated than it realy is. I wish the rest of the labs in that class would be this easy, but I really doubt it.

I think I'm going to try to limit my time on IM. Putting up an away message just doesn't work for me. I spend far too much time on it when I should be doing homework. LTC Schumaker told Leah and I that he had started a petition to ban AIM at the Academy. We weren't very happy about it, but I think on my own I need to start limiting the amount of time I spend on it, especially this year. Even if I'm not talking to anybody I still spend too much time reading other people's away messages and stuff. It's just a big distraction. I do like talking on IM and it can be helpfull when I need to ask a friend question, but as I said it's more a distraction than a usefull tool most of the time.

Everyone here needs more sleep. I've been having a cup of coffee in the morning in an effort to stay awake. 4.5-5 hours of sleep is about how much I'm getting, and I know that a lot of my friends are getting even less. This afternoon I laid down for a 30 min nap, my first nap in a week or so. I think that was the best nap I've ever had, because I got up after 22 minutes and felt like I'd just slept for hours. 12 minutes into my nap something woke me up and I thought I'd slept through the alarm and that it was 2 hours later. In the span of 22 min I had 2 semi-dreams, neither of which I can remember. Today is the first day that I don't have something to do every hour. Perhaps with no IM and some "free time" I'll actually be able to do my homework well.

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Crap. It's late and I have practice tomorrow morning.

Being a hermit looks really good right now.

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Practice was pretty good this morning. We were able to go out on the water and row a bit. Coach Holland is so funny. He's very cynical and screams and yells a lot, but underneath it all he's actually okay. I'm still gettting used to his coaching style. At least he corrects me on things I need to fix, such as not bending the wrist on my outside hand. I had first hour class today, Mil Art, and decided to go to Grant and get some coffee in hopes of staying awake. Last week I could barely keep my eyes open and focused. Today I managed to just fine untill the very end of class when I started to get tired again. Thankfully the walk over to IR class wakes me up.

Last night I had a dream that started out with me at Putt-Putt golf, but I was inside playing that game where you roll the ball up a ramp and try and get it into one of the holes. At first I was only getting a few tickets, but then I discovered that I could drop the ball right into the 500pt hole and so I started getting more tickets. Then as I was pulling my tickets out I realized that if I just kept pulling I could get as many as I wanted. I ended up with over 1500 tickets to redeem. When I was redeeming them I found a little teddy bear or something that I wanted to get. I think it's hands or feet had lights on it that would make designs around a dark room. No clue where that came from. Then, all of a sudden I was over at Amy's old house and she was helping me out with some homework. I tried to help her out with hers and she got really mad at me and started yelling at me. Two words came out of my mouth that I would never say to anybody. After we yelled at each other I decided to go home and do my homework, but she told me about a guy who was going to be teaching people how to play paintball later that day and so I decided to do that. We both started walking back to my house together. The Marshall's were out on their driveway eating dinner out there and there were MP's at the end of Maple Dr. One of the MP's was a woman in her late 40's and I noticed that uniform was one that I'd never seen before. She was talking to the other MP because she thought she saw a sniper one of the rooftops. Right across from the house with the supposed sniper was a pile of backpacks, one of which was mine. I went over to get mine and ran into Ian there. He looked like I remember him looking from middle school. After I got my bag Amy and I continued up Maple and when we got to the intersection of Maple and Grandview I noticed a dead rabbit in the middle of the road. It was about the size of Asher, Betsy's rabbit and was defiently road kill. Amy and I started walking on Grandview toward Oak and that's where the dream ended.

I was thinking about the dream this morning and have figured out where a few of the things came from. I have no clue about the Putt-Putt stuff, but I think the Amy helping me out with homework was related to Brandi helping me out last night. I needed advice on if I should call someone or not. Thanks for the help:) The thing I said to Amy was actually an away message that a friend had up yesterday. The paintball thing stemmed from the fact that Dave wants me to set up a paintball game for the plebes in the company. The MP's and the sniper stem from the fact that I see MP's around all the time and that I recently was reading an article about another sniper attack at a gas station. The backpack was just my black school bag that I have here. I don't know why the Marshall's or the rabbit were in my dream. Why was Amy the one helping me out? I don't know. She was one of my best friends from preschool through high school, but we've drifted apart and are very different people now. I wonder how's she's doing.

Monday, August 25, 2003

This morning a few people didn't show up or were late for practice and so we couldn't go out on the water. Coach Holland was pretty mad about that. Already he's having us row both in the morning and afternoon on Tuesday and Wednesday in order to make up for Labor Day. He told us he didn't want to punish everyone who had actually been on time and that we were to go do a 6k on the erg for practice. Those who were late or didn't show up would have to do a 12k later. I hope I never sleep through my alarm. The 6k wasn't that bad. My goal was to get a better time than last week, and I did. This time I got a 25:19.9. That's a 48 second improvment. My splits averaged to a 2:06 something, but I wasn't that good at keeping a constant pace. They would jump around from a 2:04 to a 2:08, but usually I was able to keep them at a 2:06. The last 500m I sprinted and averaged a 1:58 split. I think that's the best 6k I've ever done, but I don't know for sure because I don't have my scores from last year. At least now I've maxed the first part of the Cadet Fitness Challenge for Fitness Leader II.

I think that I may go down and give blood today since we're rowing in the afternoons on Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday would be the only other day I could do it because I have 2 free hours in the afternoon, but rowing right after giving blood isn't a great idea. Today would just mean that I'd miss helping out with the novie tryouts. Coach Hanlon is announcing the novie team tomorrow.
Today was a suprisingly good day. It started off with me waking up sometime in the night and realizing that I was actually cold. My room...cold...unbelievable. It's been a sauna in here for the past 2 weeks. Snuggling under a blanket was definetly a pleasent change from the previous nights of avoiding blankets at all costs. All night I was in a pleasent mood and had good dreams. Then, when I woke up I had a very peacefull happy feeling. I don't know how to describe it. I felt very happy, yet calm. Not excited or anything, I just felt good. Everything seemed much better. For a moment I racked my brain to figure out why I felt that way, and then I remembered. It just seemed to fit. Everything seemed right. It was the first time my gut reaction had said it was okay and I knew that I hadn't been being stupid.

When I got up I had two emails from Anne about Church and breakfast. I missed breakfast, but met her at 10 to go to Church. Instead of going to the Cadet Chapel like we usually do we went with James to the Church of Christ. It's a nondemoninational Church that tries to preach straight from the Bible. The service was pretty good. I'd be interested in learning more about what their beliefs on baptism and communion are. Although I think I'll stick with the Cadet Chapel, I enjoy seeing what other services are like.

This afternoon I spent 3 hours in the basment of thayer soldering my EE365 scrolling sign. The fumes from the burnign solder on my solder iron gave me a headache.

My parents bought a new truck and are getting it on Thursday. It's a 2003 Dodge ram 2500 slt. Quad cab 4x4, 5.9L high output turbo diesel with a 4 speed automatic and a 3 7 3 axle and is patriot blue with a grey interior. I probably screwed up those details, but oh well. I don't know much about trucks.

Sunday, August 24, 2003

Today did not turn out at all like I had planned. The boat house cleaning took 4 hours instead of 2 hours and so I was there until noon. When I got back up to my room I had an email from Leah saying that everyone was meeting down at the ferry at 1pm so that we could take the train into the city. When we went down there at 1pm Kristin was walking back up and said that the next one didn't leave until 2 so we all decided to go to Grant to get some food. When we went back down at 1:45 we were told that both ferrys were full and we'd have to wait for the next trip, but that would mean we would miss the 2:07 train and have to wait for the 3:07 one. Leah didn't want to stay out late because she'd already been out in the sun a lot in the morning and was still recovering from the effects of seriously almost dying this summer of heat stroke. We decided that it wasn't worth going into the city today and so we made our way back up the hill. I had a feeling that for some reason we really were not meant to go into the city today, and found out the reason later. I figured I could get some homework done and perhaps go work on my EE lab. Around 2:50 it suddenly hit me that the corsages for Ring Weekend were coming in today and I hadn't turned in the money or told anyone else to do it for me. Had I gone to the city I would've screwed over a few of the firsties in my company. Thankfully I didn't and I was able to pick up the corsages. I didn't end up doing any homework, but did take a nap for about 1.5 hours which was really nice. At 6 I went over to Kristin's room and Kristin, Annah, Leah, Anne, and I ordered food and watched the movie French Kiss. Celio came over 3/4 of the way through it and wasn't happy about having to watch a chick flick. The movie put me in a bad mood because I thought the guys in it were all creeps and some things just seemed way too familiar. On the way back to our rooms after it Anne and I went detoured through the mess hall and I picked up a leftover cheesecake from the banquet. James came over to my room and ate a piece and then I convinced Justin to come down and get one. Justin and I were both bored and so we decided to watch a movie in my room. It was The Count of Monte Cristo. I think it was a good movie. Spending time with Justin really brighten up my night.
"It is with deep regret the U.S. Military Academy announces the death of Cadet Peter Todd Heuchling, a member of the Class of 2006..."

Saturday, August 23, 2003

It looks like my friends and the city are going to win. I do have a lot of work I need to do, but I also need a break. We're planning on going to some museums because Leah wants us all to wintness the fact that Celio actually likes museums and that we can verify that he actually went. I haven't really been to the city since Tee leave last semester. I've gone through it a few times on my way back to school, but not to spend any real time there. Today should be fun.

This morning I went down to the boathouse to help clean. It was only yucks and cows down there because plebes are on the plebe retreats and the firsties are gone for Ring Weekend. At one point I was really tired and so I was laying down on a bench sleeping when Beth came rushing in the room and told everyone that the Supe was there and so we should look like we're doing something. It's a good thing we had just finished most of the cleaning because the boathouse lookes sparkling. Later I was kinda helping putting in the new dock and so I was standing at the edge of it. There were a few wakes coming and as they hit the dock would bounce up and down. It was a lot of fun, but then a few huge ones hit and water flooded over the dock and everyone's shoes and socks were soaked. That didn't stop me from doing it again later.

I got to sleep in this morning...until 6:30am. It was better than getting up at 5:05 or earlier, which is what I've had to do this past week. Plus, my room is actually cooler than the hallway for once. I stuck the fan in the window so it blows out, not into the room. Inside air is sucked out and outside air comes in stronger from the other window. The result being that for once I did not wake up in the morning and feel like I was in a sauna. It's actually pretty nice in here now.

Big dilema. Go to the city today with my friends, or work on everything that I need to do. Short term happiness for more work later, or work now and not be as stressed out and busy later. I really want to go, but I also really need to work. :(

I have the room to myself this weekend since Alyson is on pass with Drew.
Jesus is still in control of my life
He's my Master and second to none
One day the LORD will break open the skies
So I guess you could say
I'm lookin' out
Lookin' out for Number One

Usin' people just to gain position
Whatever happened to the Golden Rule?
We've become a generation of power-hungry fools
Yeah, people livin' for their reputation
To make a name that everyone will know
What'll take to show that life's no one-man show

If you're thinkin' life is out to get you
And you're thinkin' you gotta protect yourself
Turn it over to the One who knows you so well

-Lookin' out for Number One, Wayne Watson

Hobbes is right. Life is nasty, brutish and short. I think he forsaw the future of the cadets at West Point when he wrote that so very long ago.

Right now I'm so cynical it's not even funny. Thankfully it's almost the weekend and perhaps I can grab a few more hours of sleep. I don't wnat to go out, I don't want to watch movies, I don't want to party. I want to sleep. Learning how to balance 9 classes, 2-a-day practices, company activities stuff, and friends sucks. I hope I get the hang of it soon.

Friday, August 22, 2003

Rest in peace Peter Heuchling.
My thoughts and prayers are with your family.
Margaret Guenther:
[W]e all need friends with whom we can speak of our deepest concerns, and who do not fear to speak the truth in love to us.

Barbara De Angelis:
Living with integrity means:
Not settling for less than what you know you deserve in your relationships.
Asking for what you want and need from others.
Speaking your truth, even though it might create conflict or tension.
Behaving in ways that are in harmony with your personal values.
Making choices based on what you believe, and not what others believe.

Marian Wright Edelman:
No one, Eleanor Roosevelt said, can make you feel inferior without your consent. Never give it.

Richard Needham:
Strong people make as many mistakes as weak people. Difference is that strong people admit their mistakes, laugh at them, learn from them. That is how they become strong.

Bernadette Devlin:
Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

As much as I disliked today I also really liked it. I'm stressed out, tired, not finished with my work, know that I'm yet again going to get at most 4 hours of sleep and have another very busy day tomorrow, and I'm loving every minute of it. I feel like I'm actually working and putting forth effort. I like the challenge of seeing how much I can handle and how well I handle it. The fact that it's a good balance of physical and academic stress is great. That way I'm not completley overloaded on one and they act as a break from the other one. The days I felt like I do right now during Buckner were the days I liked the best.

Anyway, I still have to do my reading for english and then get to bed so that I can get up and make it down to the boathouse by 5:30am.

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Need I say more?

This morning at practice we were supposed to go out on the water, but when my boat set the shell down in the water we realized some shoes were missing. No water for us today :( I wasn't feeling great, but decided to pull my 6k piece on the erg that I have to do for the cow fitness test. I managed a 26:07.9. I wish I could remember what I pulled last year. That's about a 47/50 or a 48/50 on that portion of the test. I doubt I'll row one again on my own because we'll probably have to row them for practice someday when we're not out on the water. Hopefully I'll get it down in the 25 min range.

Back to the fact that I need more sleep. In Mil Art today we had a lecture which sucked for me. I couldn't even look at Prof. Rogers, the man speaking, because when I tried to focus on him my eyes would go cross eyed and I couldn't keep them open. The lecture was spent biting my cheek, strechting my back, pinching my arms, and trying to do anything that would keep me awake. I did my best to take notes because I figured that would help both for the class and to keep me awake. Doodling was very tempting, but LTC Gentile was sitting two seats down from me and I didn't think that would look very good if he saw my notes page and it was covered with pictures.

Last night I tried to get to sleep as early as possible, but was disctracted a few times while trying to finish my studying. At one point I wanted to kill Josh J. Okay, not kill, but at least send him off to antartica. I've been acting as the activities sgt/officer for the past week because he's been gone. Now he's back, but I'm still the one doing all of the work it seems. Last night he was supposed to come by so that I could brief him on everything that I've done and what stuff needs to get done and how to accomplish it. He never came by, but did send me an email asking to make slides for the Meet the Staff briefing today. Really, I shouldn't complain. It's not that bad. Besides, if it continues this way I may have a shot at actually doing stuff that I want to do, such as fixing up the dayroom.
Today wasn't a great day. Now I'm tired, stressed, and IM won't let me sign on. That's probably a good thing though because I need to do work and get to sleep so that I can get up for practice at 5:05am. Crap, I have a feeling that tomorrow morning there will be a urnalysis. Just a guess though.

This morning at practice we had to row a 2k on the erg. I got a 7:58.6. Not a great time, but I'm happy that at least I broke 8 minutes not having rowed on an erg since last May. Last year at this time I hadn't ever broken 8 minutes.

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Wow! Sometimes I amaze myself with how stupid I am. I was looking at the time stamp on my most recent post and wondering why it said it was posted at 12:13.33 AM. I was looking at my clock and it said it was currently 1:18 PM and so I was wondering why the two times didn't match up. I even went and checked to make sure I had the time zone set right for the page. Then I realized that the times were different because I wrote and posted the entry last night. Why did I think it should say the current time???

Another stupid moment of the day was when my english teacher asked the class how many people had gone to the city on the train. For some reason I thought that "the city on the train" was the name of some place or city and I was wondering why so many people were raising their hands when I'd never even heard of it before. Then, as class was ending I realized that the title of one of the books we have for class was "Moves Writers Make" and was about how to write well. For the past week I thought the title was "Movies Writers Make" and assumed it was about movies or something to do with movie production. I think I need more sleep...
If you ever want to know if it's a feast day, check out my sister Heidi's site. Did you know that there was a St. Sharbel Makhlouf who was a lebanese hermit in the 19th Century? Now that's cool. He was a hermit. I'm thinking about becoming one as well. Imagine if there was someone named Kermit who became a hermit. He'd be Kermit the hermit :)
So much work and so little time. I haven't even started my reading for composition yet. It'd be nice if college was like elemetary school where the teachers spend the first week easing you back into the school year and you don't do any real work. I could go for some crayons and a coloring book right now. Recess would also be really nice. Of course, perhaps that is what Tennis is for. That class was pretty cool today, although I did have to run over to the c-store after lunch to buy some non-marking tennis shoes. I bought the only ones they carried and they are actually basketball shoes. Ah well.

Today I tried to help Brandi out with her blog by inserting the counter code in the spot she wanted it. The only problem was that I was in a hurry to get to class and when I finished I ran out the door and completly forgot to tell her that she needed to publish the blog again for the changes to show up. I remembered 2 hours later when I was sitting in my CS class because I realized I hadn't done that to my page either. When I finally made it back to my room in the evening she IM'd me and told me that she'd spent 2 hours trying to figure out why the changes hadn't shown up, but had eventually figured it out. I felt bad for wasting her time, but was glad that she managed to figure it out. I wish I had more time to spend on that sort of stuff because working on her page made me once again realize that I actually do at least like html. I like it most when I'm doing it for someone else though. I guess I just like trying to help people.

I'm listening to Staind right now and their 14 Shades of Grey CD. I listened to it a ton this summer at Buckner and in New Mexico. Now I relate it to New Mexico. Some songs remind me of Albuquerque and Sandia, some remind me of when I was driving around the state just looking at the landscape, and some remind me of the interns I hung out with.


Monday, August 18, 2003

Classes have started, I'm in the army for at least the next 7 years, and my parents have gone home. It was nice spending time with them this weekend. They just celebrated their 25th wedding aniversery recently. They came up for the affermation ceremony that was last night. On Saturday they got to meet the Schumakers and then I went out to dinner with them. Sunday we went to church together and then out to lunch and shopping. I needed to buy some kahki's for the cadet casual uniform. Although I'd much rather be in gym-a, I'm not about to not get Cadet Casual and have to wear As For Class or White Over Grey all day when I go outside.

Crew starts today:) It's just a meeting though. Practice starts tomorrow morning and then I get to help out with tryout in the afternoon for the novies. It looks like I'll be kept pretty busy this semester with crew, school work, and activities stuff. I'm usually the most happy when I don't have a lot of time to just sit around and be a bum. This semester my goal is to improve the day room and bring it back into company social life.

This morning I had to get up at 3:55am to help administor a urnalysis to a different company. Fortunatly I was able to get back to bed by 5:30 and squeezed in another 30 min of sleep. Actually, it wasn't really sleep, just laying on my bed with my eyes closed trying to imagine what it'd be like if my room wasn't so hot and stuffy. The fan I bought yesterday has helped a little, but it's still pretty bad in here when the door is closed. Outside it's 59 degrees, in my room it was 90. Ah well, it's better than nothing.

Crap! Labor day is coming up and no definite plans have been set yet. My friends and I want to go white water rafting or rock climbing, but we've all been so busy this past week that nobody even thought about it. I suppose I should start working on that.
ARGH!!! I go to help a friend out with something on her web page and lose my most recent post I'm writing. When it tells you it saved it it's lying :(
Tonights the big night where my classmates and I sign our lives away to the Army for the next 7 years. I wasn't at all nervous untill this afternoon. Now I'm a tiny bit nervous just because it's the real thing. I've never doubted that this is where I'm meant to be and where I'd be happiest. Still, I'm a bit nervous. There's no saftey net after this.

Friday, August 15, 2003

Why have I lost about half of my archived posts? Anyone know?
Drill again today. The A-day parade is tomorrow right after the brigade run. Everyone's wondering how many people will faint during the parade because of dehydration. It's so hot and pretty humid. Yesterday I saw a guy in the company right next to mine take a knee. Nobody fell over though, although I heard that the new cadet right behind me looked pretty close at one point. Thankfully the upperclassmen were at rest and so I turned around and told him to drink some water.

Today at the cow's supe briefing he put of the picture that had me in it from R-day. He must really like that picture becaused he used it last winter in a different briefing. I cringed, ducked down in my seat and tried to hide, but that was pretty hard with all of my friends around me laughing and pointing right at me. There's nothing like having a bad picture of yourself shown on a huge screen in front of 1000 of your friends and classmates.

Yesterday the power went out here from 4:10-9:20pm. I guess it was out over a lot of the east. When I called home they didnt' have power there either, and still didn't this morning. My parents are supposed to come up to West Point tomorrow so that they can see the affermation ceremony on Sunday, but that will only happen if power is back on there and in the states they have to travel through.

I bought Absolutely American at the bookstore right now and just started reading it even though I'm not even halfway finished with The Long Grey Line. I start reading a ton of books, but hardley ever finish any of them because I move onto a new, more exciting one. Right now I have 5 books on my bookshelf that I started reading but haven't finished.

Thursday, August 14, 2003

Day 1:

05:15 wake up
05:40-07:15 Crew practice
07:35-08:30 History of the Military Art (HI301)
08:40-09:35 International Relations (SS307)
09:35-10:50 Off
10:50-11:45 Fitness Leader II(PE311)
12:05-12:30 Lunch formation/lunch
12:45-1:40 Deans/Comms hour
1:50-2:45 Tennis(PE444)
2:55 - 3:50 Data Structures(CS384)
4:00-6:00 Crew Practice/work out
6:00-7:00 Dinner
7:00-11:30 Study/Thinking about studying but not studying
11:30 TAPS/still studying or thinking about studying but not

Day 2:

05:15 wake up
05:40-07:15 Crew practice
07:35-08:30 Off
08:40-09:35 Introduction to Discrete Math(MA372)
09:35-10:50 Digital Computer Logic(EE360)
10:50-11:45 Advanced Composition(EN302)
12:05-12:30 Lunch formation/lunch
12:45-1:40 Deans/Comms hour
1:50-2:45 Off
2:55 - 3:50 Small Unit Leadership(MS301)
4:00-6:00 Crew Practice/work out
6:00-7:00 Dinner
7:00-11:30 Study/Thinking about studying but not studying
11:30 TAPS/still studying or thinking about studying but not

It's going to be a fun semester...

The new cadets have been here for 3 days now and their smell is starting to fade alittle, but it's still pretty bad during duties. I remember when I was a new cadet how sweaty and gross I was all the time. Thankfully that changes as you get used to life here and adjusted to the stress level, or in my case lack there of this year. While Alyson toils away at the computer working on excel spreadsheets for CCQ and CDO rosters, I sit around and do practically nothing. I asked to be a PSG, but instead I got Activites SGT. My big things of the week are collecting orders and money from the firsties for thier corsages for ring weekend, planning a small after affermation party for my class on Sunday night, and ordering company shirts and hats. Not quite the leadership role I had envisioned. This summer I found that I really liked being a squad leader. As to avoid being a complete bum now I try and do my share at duties. Last year I would only stop new cadets to tell them to drink water. This year I actually ask them knowledge. The hardest part for me is keeping a straight face and looking mean. I always want to smile. I'm getting better at it though. The events of this summer helped a lot.

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

The new cadets march back today. I haven't heard very good things about the class of '07. In a few more hours I'll find out if they are true.

My summer was pretty good. I really liked New Mexico. It's so different from Michigan and New York. It's hot, but not humid, the landscape is awesome, but very open. I saw my first sunrise the day I was leaving. It was awesome. My tolerance for spicy food has increased a ton. When I was at home my mom would give me funny looks when I dumped hot sauce on my plate. I haven't decided if I like red or green chili better. They both are good.

Crew starts again next Tuesday. We didn't get corps squad status because the football team paid their way out of the patriot league and so there wasn't money left for us. We are however allowed to have morning practices now. I'm really looking forward to everything starting.

20.5 credits again this semester. First round looks like the hardest one because I have tennis and cow fitness then. After that I only have my regular academic classes. This looks like a tough semester with Mil Art, IR, and composition all together. Hopefully next semester I'll have a little easier load.

I've been contemplating if I should continue writing in here. I have other things to do and other outlets now. I'll probably still continue, but not as often.