Tuesday, April 09, 2002

Tomorrow morning I have to take the APFT. I'm scared because DPE is administering it and I really think they're the antichrist, or at least related to them. The push-ups are what scare me the most. I can do them, but not as well the DPE way. If you don't break the 90 degree angle they don't count, no exceptions. I hope I pass. It would really suck to fail.

Today as I walked into the library Erich was just leaving. I didn't even notice him untill he said "Hi Kate." Sometimes it seems like he likes me, and other times it feels like he's just interested as friends. Augh! Guys are so confusing.

Coach Hall still hasn't decided who's going to be the stroke of the A boat. He told Jodi and I today that he'd decide this week and his hope is that one of us will stroke that boat and the other will be the stroke of the 4 at Dade Vails. Today at practice he had me as the stroke of the B boat. When we were practicing starts I broke my foot stretchers in half. It was really funny, but my boat had to go in early because I couldn't row hard anymore and I had to fix the foot stretchers.

There was a CS lecture today after lunch and Ez and I both thought it was in Robinson Auditorium. It's a good thing that I didn't go back to my room and wait around untill 12:40 to go there, because after waiting there for a while Keegan came by and said that her roommate told her that it was in Ike. Ez, Dan, and I took of sprinting down Thayer walk and then across the Plain. We made it with a minute to spare. Luckily it didn't start on time, but the experiance was kinda nerve racking. I really didn't want to end up with hours because of misscommunitcation.

A lot of people are telling me that I should major in CS or at least somethind dealing with computers. I want too, but I've never talking to anyone who actually majored in CS who is glad that they did and enjoyed it. I don't want to ruin my time here by picking the wrong major.

I saw Bartlett in the Mess Hall today at dinner and pointed him out to Beth. I've lost all respect for that man. Maybe that isn't totally fair, since I only know one side of the story, but if even half of it is true, that's enough. I don't talk about what happened to Kelly with anyone. When people ask why she left I just say that I can't talk about it, and that she resigned. I've heard a lot of crazy theories, and say enough to tell the people that they're not true, but I don't go into anything else. It'd be nice to be able to tell someone about it, but I think it's just too soon. She's only been gone for a few weeks. I never thought of West Point having a dark side like I saw though. It's one of it's many secrets. I wish I could've done something.

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