Thursday, April 18, 2002

The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain. If the king falls down in his airliner, then, the reign in Spain falls mainly in the plane. Thanks Jake:)

Today it was a very stressfull day. I think I failed my english paper that I finished 5 minutes before class started.

It got up to 92 degrees here today! Of course, it had to peak during crew practice. I've added my coach to the list of people here who are the antichrist. So far it's my CS teacher, the DPE teachers, and him. He makes us work really hard, which is good, but it's still hard. I wish that someone would tell me if I row well or not. Jasmin says that the people on the crew team she talks to say that I'm one of the best rowers, but a lot of the time I convince myself that I'm one of the worst. Today I got really stressed during practice because of today, and I also thought I was rowing poorly. I had a hard time breathing and had to focus on getting air in. I wanted to stop rowing and cry, but I couldn't, wouldn't, and didn't. The team needs me to be strong, so I try.

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