Friday, May 03, 2002

I really don't feel like doing homework right now. I have a history paper, english paper, and CS project due next week. I leave tomorrow and don't get back until Sunday night, and then I leave again Thursday and don't get back until Sunday night again. I'm screwed.

I haven't seen Erich all week:( I've talked to him a bit on IM, but it's been a Thayer week for him and so homework has gotten in the way. He wanted to introduce me to his dad this weekend, but I'm gonna be gone:(

I've noticed that I haven't really talked to Matt recently:( I miss him. I just thought of something horrible. What if we're growing apart. Time and distance do that to people. NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I don't want that to happen. The majority of our conversations now consist of saying hi, what were're doing at the moment, and maybe a few other words.

That reminds me. I should call or email Frank sometime. I feel bad that I never get around to talking to him. I think he gave up on emailing me because I took so long to respond.

I'm going home in less than a month:) It's so nice to know that I don't have to go through R-day and being a new cadet this summer. I think I've changed in the past 10 months. I've at least learned how to speak in a language that almost no one back home understands. I use Military/ West Point terms at home and don't even realize that no one understands me:

R&T, SAMI, AMI, PMI, WPR, WRIT, CCQ, CQC, CoC, ESP, yuk, cow, firstie, ADA, AOG, boodle, smack, brass, minutes, hours, CIC, ACIC, rack, smoked, TEE, trou, OC, civvies, CGR, tool, TED, BCG, ODIA, DMI, DPE, FCDT, green girl, corps squad, TL, SL, PSG, CO, XO, knowledge, orderlies, laundry, RTO, sound off, pop off, donkey dick, MRE, web ct, in-ranks, parade, 1-4 class, beast, CTLT, CPRC, MIAD, PIAD, AI, reorgy week, and lots more, but I'm so used to useing them that I don't think they're weird.

Recently I've noticed that my weird, random side isn't as profound anymore. Maybe I just don't have the time or energy. I have a larger ego, i know that. That's both a good and a bad thing. Good because it gives me more confidence, which I need, but bad because big egos tend to be bad.

Last weekend I thought about marriage a lot. There's a good possibility that I could engaged in 3 years. Right now I still think it's a little early to start getting serious because of time and other reposibilities, but that's not far off. I am looking for somethign more in a relationship right now though. It makes the whole thing with Erich very confusing for me.

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