Although I felt like I was about to come down with a cold last night, overall I feel much better after Thanksgiving break then I felt before the break. Christmas break is only 2.5 weeks away, not far at all. The break was really nice, although I really crashed. My brain refused to function. On Saturday I woke up and had a list of things in my head that I had to accomplish. When I realized that I was mildly stressed out about it, I said screw it and threw out the list. If I got to it, then I got to it, otherwise it didn't really matter.
Both Thanksgivings that I had with the different sides of the family were good. One of my cousins annouced her engagment, and another cousin on the other side is already married and due in Feb. Both of them are 21. This year started and everybody suddenly grew up. People my age are getting engaged and married. It doesn't seem real yet.
Heidi and I went to see Elf on Friday. It's a pretty good movie.
Misha and I were going to go out and see a movie on Saturday night, but the Thanksgiving dinner with my Mom's side of the family ran later then I thought. Instead, Misha and I went downtown and got coffee, then we walked around a bit. It was fun.
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