Yesterday Teresa came over around 1pm and we went to 7 Eleven to get slurpies and then to the park to play on the playground and swings. I haven't been on a swing in the longest time and it was fun to do it again. I tried to kick my sandles off to see how far they'd go, but instead of going out very far they went up really far and then came almost staight down. After that we went and explored the creek and searched for the frogs that kept evading us by jumping in the water and swimming under the creek bank before we saw them. We did find a crayfish skeleton however.
The Red Wings game was awesome. Becki invited me to Dorian's house to watch the game with some other people. The house was really big and had a lot of cool new stuff in it. I played pool with a few of the guys in teams of two. My team was really close to winning, but we didn't. It was great whent the Red Wings won the Stanley Cup. After that I drove Amy home. She was one of my best friends from when I was born all through high school, but I didn't get a chance to see her a lot this year.
About Matt. Of course I know where he lives. I've found that if I go to anyone's house at least once I usually remember where it is. It doesn't matter who. I thought that everyone was like that, but I guess not. Amy can't even remember my phone number when I've only been gone for one year, yet I can still remember the phone numbers of my friends from middle school and elementry school. Now if I could just remember all the knowledge I'm supposed to know at West Point.
Oh, and the bike riding to Dexter has nothing to do with Matt. It's a beautiful place and I have many friends who live there. It's a nice place to ride to because it's far enough away to be a little challenging, but not too far that I have to call home and have someone get me. Only riding around the city was getting boring because I'd gone everywhere. I did stop by my Grandma's house, but she wasn't home. For some reason, ever since I was little, I've liked going West. Going East feels like I'm losing my freedom, but when I go West I feel more free. That's why when I go on bike rides I only ride West until I have to turn around and head home. I'm weird, but that's what makes me me.