There is a delicate art to making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Growing up I learned this art from watching my mom make them for my sisters and I and then trying to perfect it later on in life when I made my own sandwichs. It is important to put peanut butter on both slices of bread in order to prevent the jelly from soaking through a slice and making it all mushy. The peanut butter has to cover the whole slice evenly and the coating does not have to be very thick. The jelly goes on only once slice of bread but must also coat it evenly. You do not need goobs of peanut butter or jelly, just a smooth coating of each so that neither taste masks the other. You then carefully cover the jellied slice with the unjellied slice. The way you cut it does not appear to affect the tast, but I've found a diaginol cut across the sandwich to be more asthetically appealing than a cut down the middle. If I'm in a hurry I don't bother with cutting the sandwich. In high school I'd heard rumors of people only putting peanut butter on one side of the bread, but for the most part I dismissed them as hearsay and assumed that everyone made their sandwichs the way I did. It was therefore shocking to me to arive at West Point during Beast and to find that people were scooping huge goobs of peanut butter out of the jar and then only putting it on one slice. They would then drown the other slice in mounds of jelly and smash the two pieces together. I was appalled. Has no one taught them the art of the sandwich. My mission in life is clear. The people need to know and I will teach them!
And now on to life.
Today I was really bored and none of my friends were free so I sat around the house, played with the dogs, and watched the guys doing construction. I couldn't stare at them and admire their shirtless bodies and muscles because I've known most of them since I was little and that just seems wrong. If only my parents would hire people I didn't know. Oh well. Mark called in the afternoon and asked if I wanted to go out tonight. The lack of plans and tremendous bordem I felt prompted me to very quickly say yes. After that I proccedded to go on a 2.5 mile run. It actually wasn't that bad, but I should have jogged longer. Anyway, Mark and I went out for icecream and then drove to a park in the middle of the city and walked around a bit. We ended up at this bench and it was so cool because there wasn't a cloud in the sky, no buildings were visiable, and everywhere you looked it was just nature stuff. It was really beautiful. We sat there and talked about flying cars, life on mars, and stuff like that. Weird conversation but very enjoyable. After that we went and saw Scooby-Do the movie. It was very funny, but I think it would scare little kids too much. I think my cousins, who love Scooby-Do, should wait a few years before they see it or else they'll have nightmares. Now I'm off to bed so I can get up somewhat early and go to Ceder Point. Yippeeeeeee:)