Things left to do, in no particular order:
meet Amanda for lunch
go to C-store
DX ruck frame
pack bag for CTLT
pack ruck for SMULT
strip bed
pack computer away
finish packing room away
find info out about CTLT
turn in rifle
wish Betsy a Happy Birthday
spend time with friends
Yesterday Anne and I went out on opps to get her car inspected to meet NY state insurance requirements. She'd gotten directions from one of the guys in her company, but we couldn't find one of the roads and ended up driving for about 2 hours looking for the place. The good part is that now we know our way around the area a lot better than before. When we were driving back in Washington Gate the guard asked for our ID's as usual, and then as we were about to drive off he said "You have beautiful green eyes." I was not really paying attention to him and assumed he was talking to Anne, but as we pulled away she said "he said that to you." We argued about who he said it to because she said she had blueish eyes and that he was looking at me, and I had just assumed he was saying it to her. I finally came up with the solution that there was a person sitting between us that we couldn't see, but who the guard apparently thought had beautiful green eyes. I hope that extra person in the car didn't mind the extra hours of driving around lost.
This morning was my last parade as a rifle bearer. Tomorrow I don't have to carry anything, and after that I'll have a saber. Yay!
Why do 80's styles have to be coming back? I was trying to forget that decade of fashion faux pas.
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