Yes, I love studying for physics tests on a Friday night. There's nothing better in life than learning about circuits and the loop rule and junction rule. Kirchhoff was one cool guy. It's also great role playing. In one problem they have me as a platoon leader of a field artillery battery assigned the task of monitering the danger due to excess charge accumulation on 155m Howitzer projectiles in my unit area. In another problem I get to be the battalion signal officer taksed with setting up an antenna farm to support battalion operations. They must really like me to give me these positions. Enough sarcasm for now, back to studying.
One quick side note. I looked at the chain of command list for Beast 2, and I noticed that I was slated to be a squad leader in H Company. My 1st SGT was, get this, Erich. I knew there was a possibility of that happening and half of me said that it would happen, but the other half said that the odds were against it. Oh well, it doesn't really matter anyway. It was long ago and besides now I have CFT 1.
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