Saturday, April 19, 2003


It's Saturday, the last Saturday that I have a chance to do something here in fact, and what am I doing? Nothing. Absolutly nothing. Yes, I am taking this time to grip, whine, complain and overall feel sorry for myself. I think I'll allow myself about 20 minutes of it and then get over it. Feeling sorry for oneself is only good for so long before it really becomes depressing and nobody wants to associate with you. My 20 minutes shall

Yesterday was good Friday. What was I along with the majority of the yearling class here, doing you may ask. We were studying for our physics wpr this morning. Yes, a physics test the saturday morning before Easter. What a great way to celebrate the holiday. The test went, well, I'll just leave it at the test went. It really could go either way. I know that I got at least one conceptual problem wrong, but I'm hoping that I got the bonus question correct. Right after the test I rushed back to my room and threw my rowing stuff together and headed down to the boat house. Army raced Marist here today, but they only brought one 8 of women and so the V8 raced them and won. Go Army! Coach had the rest of us split into three fours and race each other in the last race of the day. He did it so Molly, Abby, and I were all strokes of the boats. Yesterday at practice he made the comment "now we'll see who is the best stroke." He was just joking around of course, but I didn't want to lose to them. The race went well and my boat ended up winning. For some reason the past few races I've been getting really bad cramps right after the finish line after we stop rowing. It happened today right as we were landing and so I was doubled over in pain on the dock. They go away after a few minutes, but it seems like an eternity. I got a ride back up from one of the guys in my company who came down to watch the races. Now I'm back in my room with nothing to do. A lot of my friends have parents up here for the weekend and so they are out with them. I really want to go out, but no one is here. One of my friends said that said he'd let me know when he got back from the Mets game and so I'm hoping that happens because otherwise I might go crazy. I could do homework, but that seems like adding insult to injury. Besides, it'd be nice to forget about school for a few hours.

Time's up. I have to stop complaining and feeling sorry for myself now. I think I'll take a shower, watch a movie or read a book, and perhaps take a nap. Amaka might be on the Q so I may go visit her and see if any of my other friends are around. One thing I need to avoid is snacking on all of the candy in my room right now. Mindless eating is no good and very addictive. I may, however, go blow some peeps up in the company microwave. That's always amusing. They get really fat and then burst. Good old West Point fun.

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