Monday, March 03, 2003

This morning I woke up and looked outside and it was pouring rain and this place looked more gray then ever. The idea of not going to Church in sounded very appealing because I didn't feeling like going out in the rain in dress gray. However, 10 min before I was supposed to be at Anne's room I finally decided to change and go. Two of Anne's friends went with us and after Church we kind of lost them in the shuffle of putting on our rain coats and everything. It turns out they ended up waiting outside the Church for us when we had already left. Later on they sent Anne an email that said:

"John and I waited in the rain outside the chapel for you and Kate. However, you two had already decided to leave us behind. For that you will receive the dreaded picture which depicts what you are."

Attached was a picture of the muppet bald eagle with a blueish tint to it and titled Blue Falcon. I laughed and then sent Anne an email saying that I was hanging my head in shame.

This afternoon the rain stopped and amazingly enough the rain stopped and the sun started shining. It's so nice out right now. The temp is around 40 degrees out and the sky is pretty clear, but with a few wispy clouds left. I really want to go on a walk tonight and enjoy it. When I was walking to Grant to get some food I suddenly was reminded of summer evenings at home. It was something about the smell and the look of everything. It was a carefree, fresh, energetic feeling.

Spring break is in less the 2 weeks. Yay. I'm really looking forward to going to Florida. Warm weather, fun with some of my best friends, plus I'll get a really good work out.

Yesterday was 100th night for the Firsties. At the 100th night show I was looking at all of the firstie guys their civilian dates in there beautiful dresses wishing that I could look like that. They all looked so perfect together. There was a suprise at the end of the show when one of the guys in the show actually proposed to his girlfriend who was also in the show. They were both cadets. It was really cute, but my friends and I later talked about the guts that guy must have to do that in front of all of the people there, which included some generals.

Only a few 3 more months and I'm a cow :)

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