Tuesday, March 04, 2003

I went to give blood this afternoon with Reggie around 3 and felt fine right afterword, but then walking back up to the barracks I started to feel light-headed and by the time we reached the barracks I was feeling pretty bad. When I got back to my room I collapsed on my bed and didn't move from that position for about 45 min. Reggie also crashed when he got back to his room, or so I'm told. I'd been planning on going to practice, but that definetly didn't happen. I was a little light-headed and loopy until around 7pm.

It's Monday night meaning that Alyson and Brian have dance lessons once again, but once again Alyson asked me at the last minute to fill in for her. It think tonight was the 5th lesson, but she's only gone to the first one. I went to the second one with Brian and every lesson after that she would ask me to fill in for her because something would come up, but Brian ends up having a conflict as well and can't make it. I guess they make good partners, except they forget to tell me that they can't make it until 10 or 20 minutes before the class and so I'm rushing around to change because Alyson can't make it, and then I find out that I don't have to go because Brian calls or IM's and says he can't make it either. It's getting rather annoying.

I have this friend that I talk to and hang out with a lot and I think that some people are starting to think that we're more than just friends which isn't the case. People start thinking things when you're seen with a guy a lot, even if it really isn't anything. I'm starting to feel kinda weird going to his room because some of my friends are starting to ask "Kate, what's going on with you and ..." and there isn't anything going on. We're just good friends. I want to be good friends with him and I don't want anything to change. Does it really matter what other people think?

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