Monday, August 22, 2005

And I'm back...

We got back from the FTX around 9pm last night. Rachel and I wanted to go out to eat, but had made 8:30pm the cut-off time for that idea, so instead we ordered pizza and cheesy bread. We were both exhausted, but I stayed up and did laundry till 11:15pm. This morning I woke up at 6:50 and was extremely tired, but decided that since I was already awake I'd go to the early Church service on post with Kate and Jordan. They had a project they had to work on later in the morning, so an 11am service was out for them. I tried my best to stay awake and alert during the service, but my mind kept wandering because I was so tired. When I got back I ended up going back to bed eventually and slept till 1:50pm. I'm planning on being pretty lazy for the rest of the day, although I may go grocery shopping with Rachel.

Overall the FTX was fairly easy compared to other ones I've been on at school. The only new thing we did was convoy operations. While I was kneeling in the back of the open HMMWV with my rifle pointed out the side and basically only my own ability to stay balanced between me and falling to the road going by below at 35 mph I suddenly thought "I don't think my mom would think this is very safe." That didn't change the fact that I found that part of the FTX the most fun and the most applicable, but I did find it a humerous thought.

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