Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I just finished the Army Ops test, but won't find out how I did on it until this afternoon. As I was handing mine in my teacher was corrected someone else's and I heard his say to my TAC NCO "just missed it by one." That made me really nervous, because I don't think I did too well.

Yesterday I got back the results of the Defense Language Aptittude Battery (DLAB). I thought I would not even have a chance of getting the minimum score of 85 for a level I language because on one section I missed half the instructions. I was therefore quite surpised to find that I actually scored a 118, which, if you go by the basic qualifying levels, says I have the ability to learn a level IV language. The different levels are as follows:

* 85 for a Category I language (Dutch, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish)
* 90 for a Category II language (German)
* 95 for a Category III language (Belorussian, Czech, Greek, Hebrew, Persian, Polish, Russian, Serbian/Croatian, Slovak, Tagalog [Filipino], Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese)
* 100 for a Category IV language (Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean)

(taken from

In other news, this morning during PT I was doing sit-ups and started to notice that my upper-thigh felt like it had a scrape on it. I figured that I had a peice of grass stuck against my skin, because that can be the same feeling. I couldn't feel any object that would cause the discomfort, but it was becoming more painful. When we formed up for reville the guy behind me told someone else that he thought a fire ant had bit him on his butt, and I realized that perhaps one had bitten me as well. It hurt, but I figured during the run I wouldn't notice the pain as much. Well, during the run two more decided to appear, one bitting me on my chest and the other on my neck. At least it took the focus off the pain of running, but when I stopped running the burning would increase. Thankfully, Rachel had some benadryl ointment that she lent me, and I also ended up taking some motrin because the one on my thigh made it rather uncomfortable to sit down. Five hours later there is still a bit of discomfort, but not bad at all. Only three ants stung me, but that's more than enough of them for me.

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