Thursday, July 28, 2005

Currently it's 11AM on Thursday, and so far this week I've had two 100pt practical exercises (projects), two quizes, and homework assignment that was twice the length of a regular homework assignment. This afternoon I believe I'm getting another 100pt PE. The good news is that it looks like we may actually get a good amount of time in the afternoon to start working on it. The other really nice thing is that we get an extra hour at lunch today because my teacher had to go work some stuff out.
Apparently some captains who went through the same class that I'm in right now nicknamed it "Intellectual Ranger School."

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Please pray that I pass my first 100 pt assignment, because there is no way I am going to pass it with out God's help.

Monday, July 25, 2005

WHOOOHOO! I can sleep in tomorrow. My class is going on a terrain walk and so we have to be a SH at 0645, which means there's no PT, which means that I can sleep in until 6am.

The bad news, unrelated, is that I believe I am being overpaid. I don' think my Basic Allowance for Housing stopped when I reported here. I just checked my Leave and Earnings statement and saw $1264 dollars for July that shouldn't be there for BAH. I've transfered that money to a savings account so that I don't accidently spend it. If I am being overpaid, then sometime in the future they are going to come and take all the extra money I paid all at once. I hope they figure this out soon so that I don't have to keep remembering to put that money away in a safe place.
Right now I'm sitting at my computer taking a break from working on my homework. Having a 100 pt homwork project that is due Tuesday morning assigned right before the end of class on Friday is a bit of a damper on the weekend. That and not being released until 6pm on Friday. That aside, the weekend has been fairly relaxing.

Friday night Rachel and I drove up to Phoenix so that we could sleep in a bit on Saturday before going tubing down the Salt River. As we were pulling into the hotel we saw Chris, Andrea, Vivian, Natalie, and Patrick pulling in right ahead of us. The next morning we all met at breakfast and headed to the tubing place. It's a good thing that we all ran into each other, because we never managed to find the rest of the group. Having a smaller group was nice, because we were able to tie all of our tubes together for the 5 hour trip. The river was crowded with people going tubing, but it was still very relaxing. I put on tons of sunblock, and reapplied it every 30-60 minutes. My face didn't get burned, but I think the sunblock basically just washed right off when I put it on, and so I ended up with some burnt spots on my legs. Afterwords we all went to a late lunch/ early dinner together and then headed back to SV. On the way back, Rachel and I noticed a storm ahead, which turned out to be a dust storm. It was a first for both of us. In a few spots you couldn't see anything at all, and it was extremely windy. Right after the dust strom was a torrential rain storm. I guess monsoon season has finally arrived.

When I got back I did laundry and started on my homework. At one point I saw one of the guys in the other class and found out their class hasn't had any homework at all.

I finshed my laundry around midnight and went to sleep. Around 4am I woke up to a hugh clap of thunder. There was a thunderstorm directly overhead. I looked at my clock and rolled over to go back to sleep when the phone rang. I thought that was rather strange and wondered who would be calling at 4am. It turns out it was a guy in my class calling to see if the thunderstorm had awaken me. We talked for a few minutes about class, the test, and the tubing trip until the storm got further away and then I went back to sleep.

In the morning I headed to my unsual church services, and then when I got back Annah called. She and Amanda arrived Saturday afternoon, and they came over and I gave them a quick tour of post. Afterwords I started working on the homework again. It's been a rather half-effort attempt all afternoon, so I haven't made much progress.

I hope that Kate and Jordan arrive soon. I'm looking forward to seeing them again. All of the WP's who didn't start with my class have to report this Tuesday.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

This morning I got up a 4am so that I would be at the PT field on time at 4:30 for the 4-mile ruck march. I was expecting it to be rather easy since it was only 4 miles, the ruck was only 35 lbs, and we had an hour and twenty minutes to complete it. We stepped off at 5am, and right away I noticed the pace was a little faster than I expected. We were doing a 15 min/mile pace instead of a 20 min/mile pace. Although I had to lengthen my stride a bit more it wasn't too bad. Around the third mile I noticed that my ruck was digging into my back a bit more than I had expected, and when I reached behind to make sure my kidneypad was in place I couldn't find it anywhere. This occured right around the time we got to the hilly portion of the march. The pace did slow down to a 20 min/mile pace at that point, which was nice because I spent the rest of the march with my right hand behind my back acting as a pad between my ruck and my back so that the metal wouldn't dig into me anymore. The TAC came over at one point to see why I had my hand behind my back. His attempt to fix the problem ended with him basically completely detaching my kidneypad from my ruck, so it stopped providing any support at all. Before it had helped support some of the wieght onto my hips on the left side and my right hand made up some of the difference on the right side. At least it was only a 4-mile ruck march. I'll be sure to either fix my ruck or DX it before I need to use it again. The nice thing is that we finished with eight minutes to spare, and that translated into a lot of extra time between PT and class.

I passed the test with an 84% :) And now the real work begins...

Thank you Jesus!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I just finished the Army Ops test, but won't find out how I did on it until this afternoon. As I was handing mine in my teacher was corrected someone else's and I heard his say to my TAC NCO "just missed it by one." That made me really nervous, because I don't think I did too well.

Yesterday I got back the results of the Defense Language Aptittude Battery (DLAB). I thought I would not even have a chance of getting the minimum score of 85 for a level I language because on one section I missed half the instructions. I was therefore quite surpised to find that I actually scored a 118, which, if you go by the basic qualifying levels, says I have the ability to learn a level IV language. The different levels are as follows:

* 85 for a Category I language (Dutch, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish)
* 90 for a Category II language (German)
* 95 for a Category III language (Belorussian, Czech, Greek, Hebrew, Persian, Polish, Russian, Serbian/Croatian, Slovak, Tagalog [Filipino], Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese)
* 100 for a Category IV language (Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean)

(taken from

In other news, this morning during PT I was doing sit-ups and started to notice that my upper-thigh felt like it had a scrape on it. I figured that I had a peice of grass stuck against my skin, because that can be the same feeling. I couldn't feel any object that would cause the discomfort, but it was becoming more painful. When we formed up for reville the guy behind me told someone else that he thought a fire ant had bit him on his butt, and I realized that perhaps one had bitten me as well. It hurt, but I figured during the run I wouldn't notice the pain as much. Well, during the run two more decided to appear, one bitting me on my chest and the other on my neck. At least it took the focus off the pain of running, but when I stopped running the burning would increase. Thankfully, Rachel had some benadryl ointment that she lent me, and I also ended up taking some motrin because the one on my thigh made it rather uncomfortable to sit down. Five hours later there is still a bit of discomfort, but not bad at all. Only three ants stung me, but that's more than enough of them for me.
Please pray for me tomorrow morning. I have a big test on Army Operations and I don't feel all that well prepared.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Today my class had 3 Harry Potter books that people were reading during the breaks we got during the lesson. Vivian was taking pictures of people with their books.

I've been thinking about starting a Bible Study for anyone interested in my class, but I don't know who would be interested, and I don't know what it would be on.

Tonight is random topic night about OBC...

I was bored (as usual) in class and started to count the number of married people in my class. I think there is around 11 out of 42, making 1/4 of the poeple married. What really made it weird was when I found out today that one guy I had assumed was only slightly older than me was married, had 4 kids, and the oldest is 11. My class age ranges from 20 to 40. There is also a plethera of high school history teachers in my class, all of whom I would not have guessed taught high school. Everyone looks so young. I guess it's what I should expect after being in West Point for four years. Reality there is a bit skewed.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Here's a recap of my weekend:

On Friday evening Rachel, Vivian, Natalie, and I went and saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It's a weird movie, but I guess that is to be expected. After the movie we went to Applebee's to get some food. Just as we were finishing our food more people from our class showed up. Natalie decided to stay at Applebee's, but Rachel, Vivian, and I decided to head home because we were getting up early the next morning (for a saturday) in order to earn volunteer hours. The next morning we went to Sisler Hall and helped put together some map overlays that our class needs for next week. Since we finished the job around noon, the major in charge was nice and bought everyone there pizza. After that I went back to my room and read, tried to sleep, and watched tv for a few hours. Around 6 Rachel, Ryan, and I headed over to Troy's house where he and his wife were hosting a party for our class. Almost all of the class came to the party.

I left the party feeling like a very anti-social person. Although I knew the people there, as in we are in the same class, it was like I didn't know how to interact and talk in group settings. I felt so out of place.

The next morning I got up somewhat early again so that I could check out a Lutheran Church in town. I really enjoyed the service and plan on going again next week. I also went to the protestant service on post with Rachel.

Why can't I feel as comfertable as I do in Church and Christian setttings where I don't know anybody at all and the people are much older than me, in other settings with my peers in groups who I may even kind of know?

When I was home I seriously considered starting attending St. Lukes, not because I didn't like C&R, but because the people there knew me, or knew of me already, and it was like stepping back into the person I was in high school. I don't know how to describe it. I guess the best way is that I've gotten more used to not being around anyone who knows my family, besides my talking of them, and so I am my own person. When I go home I am known more commonly as my parent's daughter, or as Heidi or Betsy's sister, and for some reason that makes me less at ease talking to people. It's not a bad thing at all being know as that, but I don't feel like my own person. That wasn't at all what I was dealing with last night, but I just thought of it.

I was so frustrated when I got home last night, and I wanted to talk to someone in my family, or one of my friends about it, but I couldn't get ahold of anybody.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

I like to shop, and since I am a girl, that is not suprising to most people. However, instead of clothes, what I enjoy shopping for are books. Books, books, and more books. I probably spend more money on books than any other type of entertainment. CD's probably come in second. I'm not much of a fan of pure fiction, save for Harry Potter, but instead enjoy biographies, and books that I get some benifit out of reading. I really should find a library around here so that I don't have to spend money on buying books.

Friday, July 15, 2005

But why do we so willing speak and talk one with another, when notwithstanding we seldom return to silence without hurt of conscience? The cause why we so willing talk, is because by discoursing one with another, we seek to receive comfort one of another , and desire to ease a heart overwearied with conflicting thoughts: and we very willingly talk and think of those things with we most love or desire; or of those which we feel are contrary unto us. But alas, oftentimes in vain, and to no end; for this outward comfort is the cause of no small loss of inward and divine comfort. (The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis, p. 17)

Thursday, July 14, 2005

It's 9pm and I'm sitting here thinking "I really should be getting to bed. It's getting late." Funny how a 4:48am wakeup time every weekday can change things.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

quote of the day:
-in response to the 539 slides on army operations...
"and you'll feel every one of giving birth to 500 slides..."
~anonymous TACNCO at OBC

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Today was a day where I felt like I didn't measure up to the standard. I guess the main cause for feeling that was due to my PT performance.

I'm also more homesick than usual. I miss my family and really close friends.

Monday, July 11, 2005

This evening Rachel, Ryan, and I went out to Cold Stone Creamery for some ice cream. One the way back we noticed the odd cloud formationand wondered about it's origin. When we entered the gate Rachel asked the guard if he knew why the clouds looked the way that they do. It turns out that it's actually the smoke from the forest fire. Seeing smoke from a forest fire is yet another first for me.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

"Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life."

1 Timothy 1:15-16

"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus."

Romans 3:23-24

While talking to someone tonight I was once again so thankful for the gift of grace that God has bestowed on us through Christ Jesus. In the past year God has done some amazing things and transformations in my life, and it is times like tonight that make me want to get on my knees and thank God. I wish I could share it with more people.
I miss my family.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Is Matt (cousin) in the hospital again? If so, Get Well Soon Matt! I'll be praying for you.
Whoohoo! I just saw lightning and there are dark storm clouds outside. Why, you may ask, am I so excited? The reason is that it's gelt like I've been in an oven for the past few days where there is never a cloud to block the blinding reflection and heat of the sun. A storm brings a nice change. Plus, storms make the indoors seem nice and cozy.

I do like AZ, but I also like variety in the weather.
No run tonight:) The self record APFT is tomorrow morning, as so we are taking a break from running tonight.

This morning we had weigh-in's at 500am. That lasted until around 6:20am. The next thing wasn't until 0800, but I was for some reason confused about times and so I rushed through breakfast and was headed downstairs to meet Rachel at 0645. While I was walking to her room I looked down at my watch and realized that I had another hour. Being able to go back to bed was great. The thing at 8am only lasted 30 min or so, and the next thing wasn't until 10am, so I was able to go back to my room and read for a bit. Then at 10 we had our TA-50 issue which took forever. I was able to get out of there around noon, but some people were stuck till 2pm. At 2:45 we had a briefing about the Army Family Team Building (AFTB) program. The briefing only lasted 30 min, but we were stuck waiting around until we were released at 4:50 to go home for the evening. The real classes about MI don't start until next week. This week is mainly inprocessing.

It rained a tiny bit today. I felt some raindrops as I was walking to the AFTB briefing. On the way home afterwords I could see rain in the distance and there were actual clouds in the sky. The rain and clouds made me happy because it didn't feel like the sun was beating down on me as much.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

The run was harder for me today. Ryan ran with us, and I don't know if having him there psyched me out a bit because I figured he would be keeping us at a faster pace. I fell behind between 1.25 and 1.5 miles. One good thing during the run was that i was able to stay with them for the first 1.25-1.5 miles, even after Lauren had to stop. I think the goldfish she ate just before the run made a reapperance, but she caught up around the 1.25-1.5 mile mark.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

It's only 9:51 pm, but I am falling asleep. Today was the day we had to report for OBC, but that wasn't until 1pm. Rachel, Lauren, and I spent the morning l going to the transpo office to arrange the delivery of our boxes, going to the post office to get PO boxes, dropping BDU's off at the cleaners to get startched, going to the uniform store to get patches for the BDU's, going back to the cleaners to have the patch sewn on the BDU's, and driving around figuring out where stuff is around here.

It turns out my TAC officer isn't the one who we thought it would be, which is very nice. The Tac seems like he'll push us, but not kill us, and I expect to graduate from here feeling much more prepared for what's ahead.

This evening Rachel, Lauren, and I ran a 2 mile loop. I ran it yetsterday morning and then again in the evening with Rachel. Each time I am able to push myself a little more. I've decided to try and come up with one reason to give thanks after each run. Today I came up with two. A little more than half way through the run Rachel and Lauren were getting a bit ahead of me and I was very tempted to give up and fall back, but instead I was able to push through the mental barrier and catch back up and run with them the rest of the way, even up the hills. Then in the final stretch, which is downhill, my lungs were burning and I felt like collapsing right there, but I lengthened my stride because I wanted to end the run as soon as possible and I pulled out ahead at the very end. I really want to break through this mental barrier and be able to push myself each time, but it's so hard when my whole body is telling my to give up. There is a sign on the run route that states the elevation is 5090ft. I think I'll come away being a much better runner. Right now I'm slow and running even 2 miles here is a mental and physical battle, but that means I only have room to improve. In the past, especially in formation runs, I've given in to the mental battle, but this time I want to try and push myself and give it everything I have each and every day.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Joe Bear Graduation! episode is now online. You can check it out at Joe Bear's Website. Thanks Mom for getting it posted.
Happy Independence Day!

Monday, July 04, 2005

Breaking news on the unit front....well, breaking news for me at least. The word I've been hearing is that the division isn't depolying until September, which means that they won't be coming back until September. I'd say, from everything I've been hearing and reading, that my chances of being depolyed right away are far greater than my chances of being left at Hood until they return.

The other major news is that my division may be moving to Fort Carson, CO, when they return from the deployment. Here's a link to the article from the Army Times: 30,000 soldiers of 4th ID and 3rd ACR to switch bases.

Looks like I may be doing a lot of moving around in the next year or two. Fort Huachuca to Fort Hood to Iraq to Fort Carson. Nothing's for sure yet about where I'll be, but that's what it's looking like at the moment.

In other news, today I hung out with Rachel and Jordan. Jordan leaves tomorrow morning, so I'm really glad I got to see her today. While I was in Rachel's room Ryan and Omar came by, and Ryan gave us an update on who all is here now. He's also the one who initially told me about the possible move to Ft. Carson. It's so nice to now have people I know here.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Wow. There is a lot of garbage on TV. Perhaps I'll take to unplugging the TV cable again like I did second semster. While I was home I did watch a lot of TV, but it mainly consisted of movies I rented at Hollywood Video or TV shows like Everybody Loves Raymond. I wonder where the closest library is around here, and what it takes to get a library card.

Friday, July 01, 2005


Today I finished my 2020 mile road trip and am now at Fort Huachuca, AZ. The BOQs are better than I expected, although it's still not an apartment. The good news is that I should be able to save money staying here. Tomorrow Rachel is getting here so I'll know someone else. I was a bit lonely at the Commisary today when I saw that almost everyone else there was with another person.

It'll take a bit for me to get adjusted to the weather here. The temp is above 100 during the day, but at least it's not humid. I'll just keep telling myself that.