Last night I kept thinking about OCF and I really missed OCF at West Point. I met such amazing, God-fearing, people through OCF and learned and grew so much. One thing I really miss is the Christian fellowship.
This morning I finally had a chance to go to daily Mass at 11am, which is something I've been wanting to attend ever since I found out about it. When I got to the Chapel I found there wasn't anybody else there except the Chaplain and one other person up at the front of the Chapel preparing something. I assumed he was the Chaplain's assistant, but when I went up to him to ask if there was still the service today I realized that it was actually a guy named Rob who was an '04 grad, at least I think he was '04. He may have been '03. He lead the OCF praise and worship team while at West Point. Apparently he now leads the Protestant contemporary service on Sundays. Just seeing someone familar from West Point and OCF, especially someone who has such a heart for Christ, really brightened my day. I wanted to stay and talk to him, but since I hadn't really known him all that well and he looked a bit busy I didn't want to keep him from anything he was doing. We talked for a few minutes and I mentioned that Jordan was on her way out here because he knew her, although he was suprised to find out that she'd gotten married. I'm glad to know that there are people like Rob here. Charlsey is also here. She was another '04 grad who was really active in OCF at West Point. We were able to talk a bit in Kuwait, but I've only run into her occasionally in passing at the DFAC here in Iraq. I hope I run into more people like Rob and Charlsey and am able to spend more time with them.
Oh, and it turns out that on Saturdays there is no 1100 Mass. It's at 2000.
On a different note, the Test message from a couple days ago was actually me testing if a posting method actually worked. Not really that exciting, although recently I have felt a bit tested in patience and restraint.
community is more important than i've previously though. (iron sharpening iron and so on.) if there wasn't a need for community in Christ, there wouldn't be a need for a church :p