Monday, November 21, 2005


Yesterday my sister Betsy was married to Mark. I don't think I've mentioned before in here that her wedding was this weekend because it never sank in for me until I got home on Thursday and was finally confronted with all the wedding preperations. Her wedding was amazing and by far the best that I've ever been to, and I'm not just saying that because I'm her sister. Heidi was her maid of honor and I was a bridesmaid. She had a total of 5 bridesmaids, while Mark had four groomsmen.

While the wedding and reception were incredible, I was completely drained by the end of it even though I only arrived home the two nights before the wedding. I think I came home already fairly emotionally drained due to having just graduated from MIOBC, having to say goodbye to my friends and not knowing when I'd see them again, moving, preparing to go to my first unit, and not knowing when exactly I'll be deployed. Combine that with the wedding, tons of people, tons of questions, and for some reason feeling like I was losing my sister even though I know that in reality I was gaining a brother-in-law (who is an awesome guy, I just don't know him very well), and by the end all I wanted to do was get away from everything and everyone to have some time to recover. I'm doing much better now having stayed at home all day without even having changed out of my pj's. I don't remember the last time I stayed in my pj's all day because usually I feel the need to clean up and get in some real clothes by the end of the day. Today, however, having taken a long bath and shower last night after the wedding, I've been fine wearing my pj's all day.

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