Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Halfway Done

I’m now half-way done with the exercise at the Joint Intelligence Combat Training Center (JICTC).  So far it hasn’t been too bad, even a little fun.  Being on the swing shift from 3:30 pm until midnight is definitely better than being on the day shift.  I am able to sleep in, be productive during the day, be motivated to work out, and time goes by faster at night in the TOC.  

I can’t believe I’m graduating OBC in two weeks.  The weeks have flown by even though some of the days felt like the time was low-crawling by.  (I think Rachel would give me a Tool award for that analogy).  I may even miss OBC, but that is only because where I’m heading I probably won’t know anybody, I won’t have the luxury of getting 7 hours of sleep a night, a work day that ends at 5 pm, and weekends off.  

I’ve talked to Jordan and am going to stay in her apartment in TX until I deploy.  Her husband is already going to be deployed when I get there, and she won’t be there for at least another month, so she was happy to have someone there to watch over it.  If I don’t end up deploying I can take a little more time finding a good place of my own instead of rushing into something because I need somewhere to live.  

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