Friday, November 04, 2005

Dreading Shopping

Tomorrow Rachel and I are driving up to Tucson to go shopping in the malls there.  She sent me the links to the two malls and so I started looking online at the stores in order to try and find clothes ahead of time that I am interested in looking at.  My enthusiasm for the shopping trip is quickly decreasing, as well as my excitement about going home.  

I do need some new clothes, and I do like going home and seeing my friends and family, but both things truthfully make me feelâ€?.well, fat.  The clothes always seem made for stick-limbed, skinny people and don’t fit me correctly.  My arms are too big, my shoulders too wide, or my hips are too large.  Around most of my friends who are girls I feel like a big, stocky football player because they are a few inches to a head shorter and smaller than me.  I am the shortest person in my family and at home I feel like a short, stocky football player when I stand next to everyone.  It really got to me over Columbus Day when I was home for the weekend, as it does every time I go home and am around my tall, skinny family.  

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