Wednesday, December 01, 2004

It's a rainy day here.

The email servers for cadets and the server for CIS crashed last night leaving everyone with an inability to send, recieve, or read any email, as well as not finish CPRs and MD grades. It just happened that for CS484 our teacher planned on taking us over to DOIM to look at the servers over there and the set up of the network. Supposedly one of the technicians who talked to us explained the problem that occured last night, but we're all still in a state of confusion about it.

Projects due in the next few days:
Thursday - IT305 IS project
Friday - CS484 project and presentation
Monday - CS401 part of paper due to partners; IT460 paper due
Tuesday - MS401 capstone paper due

What I have almost complete so far:
IT305 IS project.

It's going to be a rough next few days, especially with Army-Navy in there taking up the whole weekend. However, after Tuesday I'll be golden. I have one TEE Saturday, which is IT305 and shouldn't be too bad. Then I don't have any TEEs until Wednesday, where I have CS484 in the afternoon. Easiest TEE schedule ever. This semester's been awesome.

Were there enough acronyms in there?
CIS -Cadet Information System (where grades and other information is stored)
DOIM - not sure what it stands for, but they are the network people
CPR - cadet performance report
MD - military development
IT - information technology
CS- computer science
MS- military science
TEE- term end exam (final exam)

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