Wednesday, February 25, 2004

I am very frustrated. I do not understand CS308 Computer Organization, or CS385 Design and Analysis of Algorithms. In CS385 the book doesn't make sense, the teacher doesn't make sense, and I am totally clueless. AAAAHHH! I don't understand VHDL code, although I am starting to grasp the concept of the project that I have due in, oh, 16 hours. This is so very frustrating. Why do I suck at this so much? Did I choose the wrong major? Am I magically supposed to have figured out how to code everything and prove everything on my own, so that all they have to teach me is how to undertand the concept of the problem?

In PL300 we learn that challenging people is good because it makes them more preductive. However, I am being challenged to the point where I want to just give up and throw my books out the window. These aren't brain stimulating problems for me, they are brain crushing, overload that leave me a psychotic mess with no work done at all because I don't even understand half of what the problem is asking.

Do I care about QuickSort, or the 3 billion other sorting techniques I supposeldy learned. No way! Why? Because who cares if it is NlogN or N^2. Big O-notation, inductive proofs, substitution method, dynamic progaming. What is dynamic programing? It's my teacher standing up at the board writing more stuff down with little boxes filled with numbers and different number trees, while I sit there trying to understand one tiny bit of what he is saying, and failing horrible. I must be as dumb as a rock. The book offers little to absolutely no help. And even if I can find the topic I'm looking for in it, I don't understand how the book is trying to explain it to me.

Basically, those classes suck for me and are making my life miserable. I needed to vent, or else I would be testing my algorithms book to see if it had wings as I threw it out the window.

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