Yesterday morning my desktop computer mouse died. I think something went wrong with the wiring, because if I jiggled it around it would kind of start working again, but not very well or for very long. I ended up going to the PX later in the day with Adam and buying a new one. It is a Mircrosoft Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer 2.0. So far I like it and it seems to be working well.
Adam and I also bought a rubber rat to stick in Jillian's overhead. When she was cleaning for SAMI she found mouse droppings in there and freaked out. She had Mike come over and clean them out, while Alyson and I watched and laughed, and were kinda grossed out, as he procceded to pretend he saw a mouse, or pretent to eat the droppings, or take the half eaten cookies and shove them towards her and scare her. What a nice guy....or not. Alyson approved of the idea of hiding the rat in her overhead as a practical joke. I just hope she still talks to me afterwords. Ah well, if she doesn't immediatly, she will eventually.
SAMI and MAMI went well. The MAMI only took about 40 minutes becuase it only invovled cleaning the already clean dayroom. I went to bed at 2am the night before because we were up cleaning, and so I was pretty tired in the morning after the MAMI. My room had already been checked, and we were told it was a good room. The RTO was supposed to come through the company area, but the communication broke down somewhere and so nobody in the regiment knew that he had broncittus and wouldn't be inspecting. Due to that fact there was a lot of confusion about whether SAMI was still going on. Nobody was inspecting anymore, but we were kept in SAMI until about 10:40. Yesterday morning was a perfect example of how bitterness becomes prevalent here. Mainly it is due to indecision and a lack of communication.
Last night Annah, Anne, Leah, and I went over to the Hanlons and Annah cooked dinner and I helped her. We made a Thai dish and one other dish. It was fun and turned out pretty well.
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