Saturday, August 31, 2013


Dear Ava, 

If the Olympics had an overhead arm stretch event I think you would be a contender for a gold medal.

Here you are demonstrating the One Arm Overhead Stretch, Left. Note the level of intensity and concentration required in this event. The extension of the arm and roundness of the fist is superb!
However, your One Arm Overhead Stretch, Right, still needs a lot of work. There isn't nearly the same level of concentration and effort seen in this one and your form reflects it.
Moving on to the Two Arm Overhead Stretch. This is your money maker. Your form, near perfect. You start the stretch long and wide. Once again, great left hand fist form. 
Then you flawlessly bring the stretch in closer to your head.

Finally, to end the stretch you have near synchronization with the arms as you bring them down. Bravo!
If only I could capture your amazing skills on something other than my iPhone.