There's a chance that I could deploy in a very short time, but I'm not sure how big of a chance. I've heard all sorts if estimates ranging from now until the middle of January. I want to deploy, so when an NCO told me on Friday about my possibly getting on the next flight I called my commander to see if it would work. He made it sound like it could be possible, so I called my parents and told them about it. They are now down in Texas in case I do deploy. If I don't deploy this week or next week, then I will feel rather bad for having them come down for nothing. I really hope this works out. It's stressing me out not knowing anything for sure, although I'm sure that is something I need to get used to.
Another thing stressing me out is that I'm doing PT for the first time tomorrow with the unit. Please pray that it goes well .
On a side note, today I went to the PX and when I was leaving I was stopped and ended up having to wait just outside the PX in the parking lot with a lot of people. I'm not sure what occured, but the PX was evacuated and we were not allowed to go to our cars. The MPs and Police were there patrolling the area, blocking off the parking lot, and making sure nobody went to their cars. Hopefully it was just a scare and nothing serious occured.
wow, that's quick turnaround time...does that mean you wouldn't even get til after christmas to move out from ft. hood?
ReplyDeleteYep. I asked to go this early.