Wednesday, April 06, 2005

I think I ran around 7 or 8 miles today, which is the most I've run at one time since I did the 10-miler at Bragg this past summer. The chance to go on the run was actually an answered prayer. Originally my coach had today as a morning and afternoon practice day, but early this afternoon I realized that there was no time today that I could go for a run, and I've been trying to get in a run as often as possible in preperation for the APFT and better physical fitness in general. I asked God to make a way for me to not have to row today so that I could get in a run. Later in the afternoon I got an email from my coach saying that we were not going out on the water in the afternoon and he wanted us to do sit-ups, push-ups, and go for a long run. Prayer answered. I decided to deviate from my usual routes and instead go out Washington Gate and head towards Buckner (not running all the way there since that would be around a 14 mile round trip). I ended up running to round pond and back. My pace was extremely slow, even with the second half being mainly downhill or flat (the first part was therefore mainly uphill). I think I averaged 11 or 12 minute miles(gahhh!), although I don't know for sure because I wasn't really paying attention to my time or pace. I really need to work on running.

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