Friday, April 08, 2005

I just gave my platoon training brief for MS class. In five years, or perhaps even one year, I think I'll look back on myself right now and laugh at how little I know about MI. The briefing went okay, as long as you're not interested in my actual training plan. I tried to make one to the best of my ability, but since I know next to nothing about Establishing a Common Ground Station Site, and how to train on it, and also managed to call myself a UAV platoon when I should have actually been a CGS Platoon if I was going to train on CGS stuff, my content pretty much was garbage. Since I managed to hit all of the little points of what was supposed to go into the training brief, the purpose, mission, timeline, map, lane diagram, resources, course of action, etc., I'm pretty sure I still passed with at least a C. God was gracious enough to make it so I gave the briefing to my teacher, who is signal, and not an actual MI officer. Most people have to give their briefings to officers in the actual branch that they are in. Apparently there is a shortage of MI officers in DMI. I'm glad it's over.

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