Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Robin Sage:

The short story is that I was a guerilla names Star who was an orphan. I joined the guerilla band because the UPA's kicked me out of Pineland State University because I wouldn't join them. That was that story for the character I played during the exercise. Pineland was the country we were in, which actually covered abotu a third of North Carolina. The two base camps my group stayed at were between Ashborro and Greensborro NC. (wrong spellings)

Since I was a guerilla, I had to pretend that I didn't know anything about the military, being tactical, or any common knowledge. It was pretty fun playing stupid, because it made the exercise very relaxed and easy. Christy, aka Toots, and I shared a tent together. There were 6 of us girls, all West Pointers. Our names were Star, Toots, Gwen, Trixie (previously Baby), Conception, and Daisy. We were supposed to play the role of COL Ricco's girls, except I didn't know how to play that role very well, and gave up at it after the first morning or so. After that I was just another guerilla, and became a squad leader. The other guerilla fighters were ROTC cadets and enlisted soldiers. There were about 25 - 30 of us total. COL Ricco was our leader. He's actually a retired SF soldier who now trains SF candidates.

The SF guys were pretty cool, and I felt bad for them because they were all extremely tired and hungry, and we had to be uncooperative eith them, and not give them any food or anything. The first 2 days were basically camping in the woods. No guard, camp fire all the time, everyone does their own thing. I had some really good conversations with a ROTC guy named Phil (G-name Luke) during that time. Then the SF guys arrived and we had to start pulling guard. The night after they arrived we were attacked by OPFOR. Baby died, and so the SF guys were ordered to dig her a 6 foot deep grave by 6 am the next morning. They didn't get any sleep that night.

There was a ton of down time during the day, and at night we went on missions. I went on a raid to a cememt factory. It was pretty cool, and the SF guys taught us room clearing tactics for it. We were issued M4's and AK-47s with blanks. During the day and at night we pulled 2 hour long guard shifts in pairs. It was very relaxed guard, and gave me time to talk to the other G's and also the SF guys.

For food we had MRE's, and then the SF guys brought us beans and rice, along with some spices. Since we had to pretend we were starving, we weren't allowed to eat the MRE's in front of the SF guys. Plus, since we had a low supply of them, we were alloted one a day. That meant I ate about 1.5 - 2 meals a day, which really wasn't that bad. Later we got live animals that we learned how to kill, skin, gut, and cook. The animals we got were rabbits, goats, geese, and a pig. I didn't do any of the killing, i couldn't handle it, but I did help skin and gut the pig. Toots and Daisy did most of the cooking. One night COL Ricco brought us marshmellows, and we roasted them over the fire.

I was suprised at how clean I managed to stay. A lot of it was due to the fact that we didn't have to wear camo or a kevlar. We were issued 2 pairs of black bdu's to wear instead of our regular bdu's. Every day I had about an hour of hygine time in the morning, and an hour or so in the evening. At our first base camp there was a river that we went to bathe in twice. I also took canteen cup showers, washed my clothes in the canteen cup, and the SF guys built us a shower were I took 2 Qt showers. The girls were allowed to take 2 real showers at a fire house across the street from the woods our second base camp was in. That first shower was after about 5 days in the field, and it was heavenly. The second shower was the day before we left. The guys didn't get to take any real showers, but they washed in the river.

I thought the whole experiance was pretty fun. Definetly a very easy MIAD. There was a lot of sitting around doing nothing, but it was what you made of it. I met some awesome people, and was trained by SF guys. It was definetly the highlight of my summer.

Gwen to the SF guys: "Welcome Americans." "Remove the blindfold"

Me to Lando: "Pants are a good thing!!" (he was dancing around in whitie tighties)

Luke to me: "I like you"

Magic to me: "You are going to make a good officer."

Gwen to me : "You chop wood as good as the guys"

COL Ricco to Toots: "How's my favorite girl?"

Trixie to me: "You don't know how to act like a slut."
Me to Trixie: "Maybe I can act like a slut, just let me try." (It was for a mission, I ended up giving my spot to Daisy, because Trixie was right, I don't know how and Daisy would do a much better job.)

Trixie to an SF guy: "What's a pace count"
Me to an SF guy about pace count: "What if you only have one leg?"

Toots: "The pig is loose."

Luke and Lando: "This one time at advanced camp..."

Lando: "I ate a dead bird's head"

Fun times...

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