Dear Ava,
Happy Half Birthday! You were born six months ago today! I can't believe how fast the time has flown by.
In my facebook post commorating yoru 6 month birthday I included the following list of accomplishments and things you enjoy:
- Easily rolls from back to tummy and tummy to back
- Sit unsupported for 5 minutes
- Weighing about 13 lbs and is around 26 in long
- Like to stand (supported)
- Loves frozen blueberries (in a baby feeding teether)
- Also enjoys eating avocados, bananas, and acorn squash
- Has flown on a plane 10 times
- Has visited South Korea
- Quickly smiles at new people, but only if they don’t try to hold her
- Enjoys riding in the jogging stroller as long as it is in motion
- Loves bath time
- Has experienced temperatures of both 105+ and -40F (without windchill)
- Likes to grab my hair, nose, glasses and anything else that is within her reach
- Believes my camelback water bottle is a great teething toy that belongs to her
Your first genuine smile was on September 24th. I was trying to take a picture of you to send to Daddy at that exact moment and I was lucky enough to capture the smile on camera.
The first time you rolled over was on January 16th and it was from your back to your tummy. On January 21st, your rolled from your tummy to your back for the first time.
Your first solid food was avocado, which you ate on February 3rd. You enjoyed it, but didn't eat a whole lot of it.
Blueberries are by far your favorite food, though I generally only let you have them when you are due for a bath.
It is so fun to watch you grow and learn new skills. We love you!
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