Monday, September 02, 2013

Double Gold Star

Dear Ava,

You were born three weeks ago yesterday. You seem so much older to me than 22 days because 22 days seems like such a short amount of time. Plus, you have grown so much in the past 22 days.

When getting you dressed for church I discovered that is too long for your newborn sleeper now.

Here you are wearing your first 0-3 month clothes.
Yesterday was full of other firsts as well. By quarter to ten in the morning I had make up on and my hair straightened. Granted, I was not dressed yet, but that is easier to accomplish. In my book that in itself is a gold star deserving accomplishment. 

We also made it to the 11 AM church service almost on time. Instead of coming in midway through the homily (sermon), we arrived during the second reading.

The past couple of Sundays we ended up going to a 5 PM service at a different church because making it out of bed, let alone both of us dressed and presentable in the morning was too much to ask. Double gold start for us making it to the early service!

Even if we had gone to the later service I wouldn't have minded. I am very grateful that both churches have a very vibrant, faith filled community. In fact, the homily from the 5 PM service a few weeks ago has stuck with me. Perhaps I'll write about it later.

You slept for most of the service, but even when you woke up you were alert and quiet.  That is particularly surprising because once we arrived home I discovered you had a full diaper. You HATE dirty diapers with a passion and are usually very good about letting me know if you are at all wet or poopy.

I'm slowly adjusting to your schedule, which means you will likely change it on me very soon. Ah well. It keeps me on my toes.

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