Friday, December 27, 2002

I've decided to post my stuff again for a while at least. We'll see how it goes. It's not quite like it was before, but right now I don't really care. I'm just glad that I have it up again and can share my thoughts.

Tomorrow, well, actually today in 5 hours, I head off to upstate NY for the weekend with my parents and my oldest sister, Heidi, for my Uncle Dave's wedding. I think most of the extended family will be there, so it should be a fun time...I hope. It was kinda weird not having Uncle Gary and his family over at Uncle Jim's house for Christmas. Ah well, Josh called and so my night ended happily.

Josh is, um, well today I called his house in NM and when his dad answered the phone and asked who I was I said I was a friend from school. That's about all I'll say on that one right now. Maybe later.

So far the break has been very uneventfull and dare I say, boring. A few days ago I was bored out of my mind. Today wasn't too bad. My dad gave me his really old laptop to use to practice using Python, and then Betsy and I made pretzels. I was going to call a few of my friends and try and go out tonight, but then I remembred that I have to get up at 5:30 tomorrow and I still need to pack and so I decided it'd be best to stay home tonight. Too bad it's 12:50 am right now and I still haven't packed. Oh well, at least I have clean laundry. That's a start. Plus, I know what books and CD's and taking in the car tomorrow.

It's amazing how things change over time. Friends, family, schools, grades, you name it. I've decided that I'm not going to come home again untill my break this summer, whenever that is. I'm such a nerd. I as I wrote that I was thinking about how it's bad grammer to end a sentence in a preposition, plus I'm always thinking about how I'm writting in the passive voice and using comma's in the completly wrong places. What makes it even worse is that detest english classes and grammer. Anyway, back to what I was talking about before. The only time that I could come home next semester would be for Presidents Day weekend. Hmm, that doesn't make much sense. It's Presidents Day, but yet it's a weekend. Augh! I'm thinking too much again. Once again, overly tired and thinking too much. Or perhaps it's that I'm not thinking, or that one part of my brain that keeps me from talking a lot has gone to sleep and so now I can't stop talking and am saying whatever pops into my head. Hmm, I go on tangents very easily. That just reminded me of math class and drawing lines tangent to the curve. Okay, I need Matt to tell me to stop thinking and talking right now. Back to the first topic of this paragraph. So I won't be home this semester and so I won't see my sisters at all. I doubt they really care either way. When I'm home I hardly see them, let alone have a real conversation with them. We're much more successful talking over the phone. Hopefully I'll find someone to go to the city with during the long weekends or something. Spring break I'm going with the Crew Team to train in Florida. Thankfully we talked Coach Hall out of making us go to Virginia Beach again. It'd be freezing there if we went this year.

Okay, It's past 1am now and I really should go pack. I figure that if I only get a little sleep tonight then I should sleep for most of the drive tomorrow. Don't worry, I'm not driving.

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