Tuesday, December 31, 2002

Word to the wise. Never come over to my house looking for something to eat. If you do find something you want it most likely is past it's experation date and has gone bad.

Right now my legs feel pretty weird. It's like when I was a little kid and would spend all day running around outside. Then at night I would try and sleep, but my legs would hurt. Or maybe that was growing pains. Anyway, my legs just feel weird and I can't stand on them for very long with out feeling exhausted. It's amazing how a tiny virus can knock a person out. Hopefully I'll be fully recovered by tomorrow.

My parents went to see the Twin Towers tonight. They said it was a great movie. That's one of the movies on my list of movies to see while I'm home. So far I've only seen Analyze That. It was a pretty good movie, very funny.

For some reason my eyes are sore. Especially my left eye. It's kinda feels like something hit me in the eyes. That actually happened a few times. Freshman year I was playing catch with my friend Jamie after softball practice one day and she threw the ball when she was really close to me and I didn't have time to react and catch it. That was my first, and only, black eye. I think it was later that year when I noticed that the area around one of my eyes was pretty sore. It took me a little while to figure out that what probably happened was that during the night I rolled over and hit my face on the side of my bed. It was a loft bed and so there were wood boards about and inch or two higher than the mattress. Besides that minor fact, I really like that bed. It saved a lot of space in my room because I had space underneath it for my desk and a bookcase. Now I have a different bed so that can't be the reason. Ah well.

Wow. I'm tired, but yet I know I won't go to bed for at least another hour or two. At school I'd be worried about staying up this late, but at home this is early. Amazing how things change.

I miss Josh. I'll see him in a few days. Yay.

Right now I'm thinking about writing Matt and email telling him everything that I was going to tell him over the phone but haven't gotten a chance to. I don't know how much I want to tell him, if any. I don't know what is real and what is made up. Plus, if I do tell Matt, do I really want to know what his thoughts are on the whole thing? Hmm, maybe I should try calling him again.

Stomach flu sucks. Hannah and I were lucky enough to both get it yesterday. It made the 8 hour car ride back from NY seem even longer. Oh well, I'm better now and so I shouldn't complain. It was nice to see all of my uncles and my cousins on that side of the family again. The wedding was nice. For the most part I avoided doing a whole lot and spent the majority of the time at the hotel relaxing.

Josh called today. We talked for about 12 minutes. I'm pretty bored right now and wish I could call him, but he's probably not home.

My dad and I went shopping for a laptop for me. We found a Sony one that looks like it's a pretty good one. I probably end up getting that one or buying a more expensive Dell.

Annah called me on her new cell phone that she got for Christmas. That was a nice suprise. I also got to talk to Tia for a minute.

Frank and I were supposed to go out to dinner tonight, but since I don't have very much energy I was kinda hoping that he'd forget. I didn't call him to figure out where and when we were going to meet and thankfully he did forget. I called him around 9:30 just to talk and that's when he asked when we were going to get together. Once I reminded him that it was supposed to be tonight he felt pretty bad, but I told him not to worry about it because even if he had remembered I would've had to cancel on him. Now we're meeting for dinner on Friday.

I talked to Matt very briefly on the phone. He was busy with college applications. I hated those things. He's so busy right now that I don't think I'll get a chance to see him before I leave on Sunday.

Tomorrow is New Years Eve. Teresa invited me to a party at her house that I think I'll go to. Steph also invited me to one at her house, but I don't know if I'll go. If I do I probably won't stay very long because I won't know anyone there.

Friday, December 27, 2002

I've decided to post my stuff again for a while at least. We'll see how it goes. It's not quite like it was before, but right now I don't really care. I'm just glad that I have it up again and can share my thoughts.

Tomorrow, well, actually today in 5 hours, I head off to upstate NY for the weekend with my parents and my oldest sister, Heidi, for my Uncle Dave's wedding. I think most of the extended family will be there, so it should be a fun time...I hope. It was kinda weird not having Uncle Gary and his family over at Uncle Jim's house for Christmas. Ah well, Josh called and so my night ended happily.

Josh is, um, well today I called his house in NM and when his dad answered the phone and asked who I was I said I was a friend from school. That's about all I'll say on that one right now. Maybe later.

So far the break has been very uneventfull and dare I say, boring. A few days ago I was bored out of my mind. Today wasn't too bad. My dad gave me his really old laptop to use to practice using Python, and then Betsy and I made pretzels. I was going to call a few of my friends and try and go out tonight, but then I remembred that I have to get up at 5:30 tomorrow and I still need to pack and so I decided it'd be best to stay home tonight. Too bad it's 12:50 am right now and I still haven't packed. Oh well, at least I have clean laundry. That's a start. Plus, I know what books and CD's and taking in the car tomorrow.

It's amazing how things change over time. Friends, family, schools, grades, you name it. I've decided that I'm not going to come home again untill my break this summer, whenever that is. I'm such a nerd. I as I wrote that I was thinking about how it's bad grammer to end a sentence in a preposition, plus I'm always thinking about how I'm writting in the passive voice and using comma's in the completly wrong places. What makes it even worse is that detest english classes and grammer. Anyway, back to what I was talking about before. The only time that I could come home next semester would be for Presidents Day weekend. Hmm, that doesn't make much sense. It's Presidents Day, but yet it's a weekend. Augh! I'm thinking too much again. Once again, overly tired and thinking too much. Or perhaps it's that I'm not thinking, or that one part of my brain that keeps me from talking a lot has gone to sleep and so now I can't stop talking and am saying whatever pops into my head. Hmm, I go on tangents very easily. That just reminded me of math class and drawing lines tangent to the curve. Okay, I need Matt to tell me to stop thinking and talking right now. Back to the first topic of this paragraph. So I won't be home this semester and so I won't see my sisters at all. I doubt they really care either way. When I'm home I hardly see them, let alone have a real conversation with them. We're much more successful talking over the phone. Hopefully I'll find someone to go to the city with during the long weekends or something. Spring break I'm going with the Crew Team to train in Florida. Thankfully we talked Coach Hall out of making us go to Virginia Beach again. It'd be freezing there if we went this year.

Okay, It's past 1am now and I really should go pack. I figure that if I only get a little sleep tonight then I should sleep for most of the drive tomorrow. Don't worry, I'm not driving.

Sunday, December 01, 2002

Gah! I hate not being able to writen in this thing and have people read it. So often I think if things I want to say and tell the world, but I can't. Other times I just want someone to be there and listen to me vent, but no one is there and the is nothing that I can do about it.

Right now I"m at home for Thanksgiving. I got home on Wednesday afternoon and go back tomorrow morning. It'd been great being away from school and seeing some of my old friends. On Wednesday evening I went out for coffee with Julia and then she cam over and we talked and reminiced for awhile. Thursday we had Thanksgiving at my house with lost of relatives. That night Steph and I went to see the newest Harry Potter movie. It must of been a popular night to see the movie because I saw Mark G., Marty, Sean, and one other guy I knew from Huron at the movie. On Friday I went shopping for new clothes and makeup. I'd been looking forward to that for awhile because my wardrobe was kinda high schoolish. I spent a lot of money, but am very happy with the results and have gotten many complements. Friday evening I went over to Becki's house, hung out with her, and ate dinner with her family. Then I went over to Mission Christ. Frank and I went out that evening and I told him to meet me there because I wanted to see Matt. Frank and I went for a walk and swung on the swings at the park by his old house. I saw Matt very briefly and then Frank and I went out for coffee downtown. I got home around midnight and decided to watch Men in Black II. It was better than I thought it'd be. Saturday morning Matt and I met at Denny's for a late Breakfast. The rest of today I spent mostly sitting around my house, baking gingerbread men cookies, and watching movies. I called Mark G. and we talked for a bit. I guess I was supposed to call Steph if I had any free time today so that we could do something, but there was some miscommunication there about who would call who, and I also didn't really feel like doing a whole lot today.

It's really nice knowing that I'll be back home in 18 and a butt days. I've been going over that a lot htis evening. There are only 2 Saturdays at school. One of them is Army Navy, and the other one is my first TEE. Hopefully the next 2 and a half weeks will fly by.

Last night I was really tired and thinking at the same time. Bad combination, I know, but I figure that there has to be some worth in what I think of at the time. Anyway, I was thinking about Matt and how we're always both so busy. I don't want to be a burden to him and make him feel like he has to see me or hang out with me when I'm home. He's one of my best friends, but more and more I'm wary of calling him or anything. He's alwasy so busy and I don't want to impede on him or get in the way of anything he has to do. I really do think of him as a brother.