I'm finally doing it...I'm taking four hours off tomorrow morning. This week I began to notice that I was becoming very gloomy, depressed and felt burnt out. The last time I had a quasi-day off was in mid-late April when I was up in Taji doing equipment inventories. The last day I was up there all of the inventories were complete and so it was almost like a day off before we had to fly back to Falcon. Both yesterday and today I noticed that even though I've been getting plenty of sleep my body felt the same as it does after I've been awake for 36 hours. This afternoon I decided to finally make the decision to take some time off, and while I was walking back to my room tonight I realized just how much I do need to take a break. I was walking down a road that has 20ft tall concrete barriers running parrallel to it and at one point, though I'm not sure how I managed to do it, but I ran into the barriers and fell down. Thankfully it was dark out and I don't think anybody saw me fall, but if anyone did see me I'm sure they spent the rest of the night laughing at the LT who ran into a barrier and fell down because she was walking next to it. I had a good laugh at myself after I picked myself off the ground.
I'm so glad you took some time for yourself! (Even if it was only 4 hours). I'm so bummed we didn't get to talk more. Hopefully next time, Iain won't need to go down for a nap, right when you call. :( Ah well, the life of a mommy...if we had concrete barriers, I'm sure I'd have run into plenty by now!!!