Saturday, February 24, 2007


I only had to work four days this past week due to Monday being Presidents Day, but it still felt like a long week. In order to unwind and relax a bit this evening I baked peanut-butter chewies and chocolate-caramel brownies. Tomorrow I am planning on making some caramel corn as well as some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and put the baked goods in bags to give to Phil and Ben on Sunday. They both are deploying to Afghanistan in a few days and Sunday will most likely be the last time I see them for a while. I will miss those guys.

Last Sunday after Church Mike invited me to fly to a Todd Agnew concert that evening with him, Ben, and Phil, but sadly it ended up not working out for me to go. I'm trying my best to keep myself grounded in reality and not get my hopes up about anything, but some stuff Phil said and asked me this evening on the phone is making it really hard, like when out of the blue he and Ben wanted to know why Mike and I aren't dating yet. "Strength arises, wait upon the Lord..." Good song.

One morning earlier this week I got a call from a fellow S2 asking if I knew where my roommate was because she hadn't shown up to PT or to work that day. I'd seen Andrea when I got up for PT, but left before her assuming that she would be following shortly. Therefore, when I got the phone call it concerned me that she hadn't been seen by anyone else. I almost called Jordan to ask if she had seen Andrea, but then remembered that they are in the same BN and so of course Jordan wouldn't know anything more than I did. It turns out Andrea had a briefing and had informed the proper person that she would be gone, but it had slipped their mind. I am writing about this in here because it reminded me of an incident that occurred while in Iraq. One day a report came over the systems about an IED strike that resulted in a soldier killed in Tarmiyah. I remembered Jordan mentioning the night before that she was going to Tarmiyah the next day and the KIA was from her BN and in the vicinity of where she was supposed to go, so I became worried that it might be her because the battle roster number of the soldier hadn’t come through yet. I was too scared to call Jordan’s work phone because I didn’t want to hear from them that she was actually in Tarmiyah, so instead I called Andrea and asked her if she knew if Jordan was on the patrol that got hit. Andrea informed that it was a different platoon and Jordan was still safe and sound back at Taji. That evening Jordan stopped by my room to make fun of me for calling Andrea instead of her, and still hasn’t let me forget the whole thing, but I don’t care because I’m glad she is alive and safe. I guess I connected the two incidents because I found it amusing that this time I was ready to call Jordan due to worrying about Andrea.

Are the paragraph breaks working? They don't appear to be at the moment.

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