Saturday, July 01, 2006

Happy Independance Day Weekend

I can't believe it's July already. The month of June flew by, which is something you won't find me complaining about.

It's 4th of July weekend, which means it's a four day weekend. My plans for the weekend are to sleep in late and then head out to the lake with friends and family to get some water-skiing and tubing in followed by a good bbq. Then, once it's dark out we'll all go and watch the fireworks.

Shoot...I just remembered something: I'm in Iraq...There go my plans.

I am very grateful that I get my usual day of rest tomorrow, which is more than a lot of people get out here. That's about as close as I'll get to any four day weekend. On the actual 4th of July the DFAC (Dining Facility) will probably serve up BBQ/picnic type foods for lunch and dinner.

The weather has cooled off a bit the past few days. At night it gets down to about 81 or 82 degrees and mid-day it's only 105-110 degrees out. When I was going to lunch I saw a cloud in the sky. I think it was the first cloud that I've seen in over a month. The cloud was very tiny, but I wanted to take a picture of it. After lunch I noticed that there were a few more clouds scattered around. Each was fairly small, but it was a bit of variety.

Tomorrow I'm supposed to give my first violin lessons. It'll be interesting to see how it goes.

Congrat's to all you '03 grads who were promoted to Captain today :)


  1. Hi Kate - Happy 4th of July. Glad to hear it's cooled off a bit. That must be a bit of a relief. Anna has been taking violin lessons, but her interest has waned. Hi from Isaac and Anna! -Sue

  2. Hi! Please let Anna know that I received her post card and really enjoyed it. She'll be getting one from me sometime in the near future. I hope you all doing well and have a wonderful 4th of July. I miss you all. - Kate
