Saturday, April 22, 2006

Almost Back

My 15 days home have come to and end and I am now back in Iraq. I still have one leg of the journey back left before I reach my camp. The temp is now in the 90's here, but there was a nice breeze today so it didn't feel too bad. I'm trying not to think too much about how hot it'll get in the months ahead.

One thing I found out yesterday is that the Harvest Bars (made by Power Bar) that they supply us with here have a Best Eaten By date of June 2005. That made me wonder if any of the other food we get is expired.

1 comment:

  1. my coach gets Gu packets for my team...most of the current ones in the boathouse expire pretty soon or have expired since the summer :p then again, we've beaten cal this year, so maybe that works...
