Thursday, February 07, 2002

6 February 2002:

Jackie, Emma, and Karli are in high spirits after having passed the SAMI and being told that they have the best floor.

A pained Debby returns Saturday afternoon after having her appendix removed. She proceeds to violate her profile and climb stairs much to the distress of the three roommates and Kristen.

Karli finally spoke to Jason again Sunday night and is overjoyed when he asks her out for the Saturday evening when she is home.

The three roommates are shocked when CPL Sanders informs them that he is resigning from the Academy because of a fight he had with a Firstie.

Not having had much sleep Tuesday night, both Jackie and Karli struggle to stay awake in their respective chemistry classes.

Karli’s team leader comes unannounced to her room and proceeds to inform her and her roommates that he no longer wants to be greeted and that they should refer to him by his first name, George.

A joyful day waits as it is Jackie’s 19th Birthday the next day, but it is marked by some grief in the fact that many people will be leaving the academy that day, including a fellow Spartan Plebe.

Such is the life of a Cadet.

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