Wednesday, February 20, 2002

19 February 2002:

In Math class Karli’s teacher announces that everyone needs to have new partners for the board problems. Her worst fear comes true when without delay Herbert, a cadet she thinks likes her, asks her to be his partner. Reluctantly she agrees. While they work on the board problem he asks her about her weekend and then proceeds to ask if she’s been able to get up on the shelf yet. Unwillingly she has to admit that she has not. Herbert then asks her if he can help her with it and wonders when she will be free next. Karli agrees to let him help her since she desperately needs to be able to get up on the shelf. They agree to meet at the gym at 1330 that afternoon.

A mysterious person on AOL IM contacts Debby and proceeds to tell her that she, the mysterious person, is in a relationship with Douglass and implies many foul things to Debby about what they have done.

At 1340 Karli meets Herbert at the gym and after a few tries she is elated to finally make it up on her own a few times. During the course of the time Herbert once again questions her about her weekend and proceeds ask her if she has a boyfriend and other questions related to the topic-which she tries her best to change quickly. After a few failed attempts at the shelf after having already gotten it, Herbert offers to buy her a soda and a slice of cheesecake if she manages to get up again on her own. Being too fatigued, Karli fails.

While Jackie is walking back from Glee Club practice with Brandon, her new love interest, he asks her to go to dinner with him. She sadly has to turn the invitation down because she is needed at OCF right then. At OCF she runs into a very adorable SGT in her company who was at the Air Force Academy last semester. To her great delight he tells her what his first name is after finding out what hers is.

A mysterious caller leaves a message on the phone for Emma. He claims to have gone to basic camp with her and is calling to catch up with her.

The same SGT that recognized Jackie earlier in the evening also recognizes Emma while they are in the study room later in the evening. Karli hopes that sometime he will recognize her too.

Mike saves the day for Emma, Jackie, and Karli after he sends Karli a song that the three roommates need to critique for the CPL’s at their table.

Jason does not respond to any of the IM’s that Karli sends him and so she moves him to her ‘Blah’ list. For some odd reason she is not upset over this.

Such is the life of a Cadet.

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