Sunday, February 24, 2002

I now understand Matt's pain with this. I just wrote a really good blog, and then got the "you are not signed in" message. Gah!

I like Erich, am relieved that Will said the words "I'll take that as a no" so I didnt' have too, and am all confused about Jake.

Wednesday, February 20, 2002

19 February 2002:

In Math class Karli’s teacher announces that everyone needs to have new partners for the board problems. Her worst fear comes true when without delay Herbert, a cadet she thinks likes her, asks her to be his partner. Reluctantly she agrees. While they work on the board problem he asks her about her weekend and then proceeds to ask if she’s been able to get up on the shelf yet. Unwillingly she has to admit that she has not. Herbert then asks her if he can help her with it and wonders when she will be free next. Karli agrees to let him help her since she desperately needs to be able to get up on the shelf. They agree to meet at the gym at 1330 that afternoon.

A mysterious person on AOL IM contacts Debby and proceeds to tell her that she, the mysterious person, is in a relationship with Douglass and implies many foul things to Debby about what they have done.

At 1340 Karli meets Herbert at the gym and after a few tries she is elated to finally make it up on her own a few times. During the course of the time Herbert once again questions her about her weekend and proceeds ask her if she has a boyfriend and other questions related to the topic-which she tries her best to change quickly. After a few failed attempts at the shelf after having already gotten it, Herbert offers to buy her a soda and a slice of cheesecake if she manages to get up again on her own. Being too fatigued, Karli fails.

While Jackie is walking back from Glee Club practice with Brandon, her new love interest, he asks her to go to dinner with him. She sadly has to turn the invitation down because she is needed at OCF right then. At OCF she runs into a very adorable SGT in her company who was at the Air Force Academy last semester. To her great delight he tells her what his first name is after finding out what hers is.

A mysterious caller leaves a message on the phone for Emma. He claims to have gone to basic camp with her and is calling to catch up with her.

The same SGT that recognized Jackie earlier in the evening also recognizes Emma while they are in the study room later in the evening. Karli hopes that sometime he will recognize her too.

Mike saves the day for Emma, Jackie, and Karli after he sends Karli a song that the three roommates need to critique for the CPL’s at their table.

Jason does not respond to any of the IM’s that Karli sends him and so she moves him to her ‘Blah’ list. For some odd reason she is not upset over this.

Such is the life of a Cadet.

Tuesday, February 19, 2002

18 February 2002:

Valentines Day arrives with out much expectation for Jackie, Emma, and Karli. The high point of the day occurs when all three of them receive unexpected packages from home. They also learn the joyous news that dinner will be ‘Dress to impress.’ While getting their clothes from the trunk room they find that Kristen is back from the hospital. Although the three roommates are happy that she is back, they wonder how long it will last, and if she will be separated from the Academy as their TAC, MAJ Beakman, has threatened.

Karli barely manages to make it through classes on Friday while she tried to contain her excitement about going home. Her last class happens to be English and Brian, another cadet from Michigan, happens to be in her class. He tells her that he’ll meet her in her room 10 minutes after class so that they can ride to the airport together. At the airport they pass the time talking of home and what they like about Michigan. Karli is pleasantly surprised to find that Brian is a rather respectable chap.

Friday night finds Jackie performing with the Glee Club at a concert. Saturday she takes pass and travels home for the remainder of the long weekend.

Emma has the unfortunate job of interior guard on both Saturday and Sunday night. She unpleasantly discovers that as if that isn’t bad enough already, she has two shifts on Saturday night. Since both Karli and Jackie are gone for the weekend, Kristen and Debby troop over uninvited Saturday and Sunday night for a sleepover in Emma’s room so that she will not be left alone. During one of the nights Debby reviles some scandalous news about her and Douglass.

Karli arrives home Friday night and surprises her friend Stacy. After spending most of Saturday with Stacy, Karli calls Jason. He comes and picks her up at 9:30 and they go and see John Q. After the movie is over they drive back to Karli’s neighborhood and spend the next 2 hours driving around. The majority of the time is spent driving in circles around a cul-de-sac and pretending to not know how to get out of it. The night ends with a hug and Karli once again realizes that Jason sadly is not the right person. She is left wondering if the right man will ever appear.

The highlight of her weekend is spending time with her sisters and hanging out with Mike on Sunday. She once again is reminded of how glad she is that she is friends with Mike and what an awesome person he is.

With Monday comes a dose of reality as Jackie and Karli return to the Academy and meet up with Emma. Together the three of them discuss their weekends and get ready to face the week ahead of them.

Such is the life of a Cadet.

Tuesday, February 12, 2002

11 February 2002:

11 February 2002:

The week begins on a very emotional note with many unexpected happenings. It begins at lunch formation when Kristen turns up missing and the chilling words “One unaccounted for” are proclaimed for the whole regiment to hear. After lunch, a somber Debby stops by Jackie, Emma, and Karli’s room with the distressing news that Kristen is once again in the hospital. The three roommates speculate that it has something to do with the ill-fated friendship between Kristen and the Mexican Midget and the falling out that they had the night before. The roommates silently agree to not tell anyone about the latest news for Kristen’s sake. Their assumption that Debby is of the same mind is proven wrong when they witness her telling others in the company of the whereabouts of Kristen. Even after confronting her about it she does not stop, much to the distress of the three.

After returning from crew practice, Karli is extremely surprised to enter her room and see Tyler in there talking to Jackie. Knowing that he is not a welcome visitor in the room, Karli wonders why Jackie and Emma haven’t thrown him out yet. Jackie finally manages to get him to leave after telling him that she needs to change for her concert that evening.

Later on in the evening, another unexpected visitor drops by in the form of the Mexican Midget. Emma is left bewildered after he asks her to go to the chemistry review with him. She wonders if they are once again friends and if it has anything to do with Kristen being gone.

Jackie returns exhausted but elated after her concert in front of a assembly of Generals and other high ranking officials, including the Chief of Staff of the Army, General Shinseki. She had the immense honor of shaking his hand and also receiving a coin from him, something that only a select few people get.

The day ends on a cheerfully for Karli when she is able to talk to Jason once again. Although no official word has been passed to her about her being able to go home over the weekend, she still anxiously anticipates Saturday and her date with Jason.

Such is the life of a Cadet.

Thursday, February 07, 2002

6 February 2002:

Jackie, Emma, and Karli are in high spirits after having passed the SAMI and being told that they have the best floor.

A pained Debby returns Saturday afternoon after having her appendix removed. She proceeds to violate her profile and climb stairs much to the distress of the three roommates and Kristen.

Karli finally spoke to Jason again Sunday night and is overjoyed when he asks her out for the Saturday evening when she is home.

The three roommates are shocked when CPL Sanders informs them that he is resigning from the Academy because of a fight he had with a Firstie.

Not having had much sleep Tuesday night, both Jackie and Karli struggle to stay awake in their respective chemistry classes.

Karli’s team leader comes unannounced to her room and proceeds to inform her and her roommates that he no longer wants to be greeted and that they should refer to him by his first name, George.

A joyful day waits as it is Jackie’s 19th Birthday the next day, but it is marked by some grief in the fact that many people will be leaving the academy that day, including a fellow Spartan Plebe.

Such is the life of a Cadet.

Sunday, February 03, 2002

1 February 2002:

On her way to class Kristen passes Emma in the hall and utters the words “cheer up” to her, which astonishes Emma because of who they are coming from. Her gut reaction is to strike out in rage.

The Mexican Midget refuses to enter Emma’s room to pick up recyclables and instead sends another Plebe in to do the job.

An unexpected knock on the door of Jackie, Emma, and Karli turns out to be Lucky in civilian clothes with the surprising news of his separation. He proceeds to stay for some time and watch while the three roommates scurry around making final SAMI preparations. The news that the Commandant is inspecting their room the next day spurs on the three in their cleaning endeavors.

While on their way back from getting nourishment to sustain them as they clean for SAMI Jackie and Karli learn of the tragic death of a Yearling. They hurry back and report the news to Emma who is taken aback. Another blow strikes Jackie just a few minutes later when a friend informs her that he is being unfairly separated from the Academy.

Emma gloomily realizes that this is the first night that she hasn’t spoken to the Italian Stallion.

Karli is dismal due to the fact that she hasn’t spoken to Jason since Wednesday and won’t get a chance to speak to him again until Monday because he is home for the weekend. She confides this to Mike who reassures her that everything is probably okay.

Yet another long day comes to and end and the tired cadets wearily drag themselves to bed and await the events of the next day.

Such is the life of a Cadet.

Saturday, February 02, 2002