Monday, May 18, 2009

Productive Weekend

I think I accomplished more today then I have all month and therefore want to record it so that I can someday look back on today and wonder how I did it. Today was actually supposed to be a restful day of going to Mass and then possibly going down to Austin to drop off my bike for a tune-up. Mass happened, the trip to Austin didn't. Here's why:

Saturday morning I woke up to a thunderstorm rolling in. My plan had originally been to go for a bike ride working on keeping a higher cadence, and then coming back and doing my normal Saturday chores (vacuum, clean the bathroom, sweep, mop). I managed to get out of bed and then the pouring rain started, so I made blueberry pancakes and decided to go back to bed. I'm not sure what I did all day until the evening when I went over to my friend Andee's apartment to meet her puppy and go out to dinner with her. All I know is that most of the day I was very lazy and didn't do much of anything; definitely not any chores.

Sunday morning I woke up around 8am and since I had a couple hours still before Church I drove over to Shipley's Do-Nuts to get breakfast. While I was getting ready for Church I decided that since Christ The King (yes, there's a Christ the King Catholic Church in Belton, TX), has mass at 5pm I'd instead go visit my former church in Killeen for the morning service. I enjoyed seeing people I hadn't seen in over 1.5 years and was finally able to return to Mike a DVD set that I borrowed from him in the fall of 2007. After Church I went out to lunch at a Mexican restaurant with Amy and Willy.

Having eaten far too much food and feeling stuffed and sluggish I decided to go for the bike ride that I couldn't go on Saturday and leave the trip down to Austin for Monday or Tuesday after work. I rode 20 miles, got a little more sunburned on my arms even though I was wearing sunblock, got lost in Temple, TX a couple times and decided that if the Garmin Edge 705 has maps for Korea then I am definitely getting one, and was also able to keep my cadence higher than I have before...though I still have a lot of work left to do (thanks MAJ Yee for letting me ride with you the other day and teaching me a ton!).

Upon my return from the bike ride I showered and made it to the 5pm Mass. On the way back from Mass I noticed that I still had some energy left and was in a good mood so I decided to finally start baking the stuff I promised some friends last weekend but never got around to making. Originally I was only going to make a batch of oatmeal butterscotch chip cookies for Andee, but I still felt good after makeing those so i started on the batch of chocolate chip cookies for Mike G. and ended up also baking the batch of caramel brownies for Andy T. Whilst those were baking I was able to do my chores and more, to include: cleaning the bathroom and shower; sweeping and mopping (swiffer mop that is) the all the hard floors and vacuuming all of the carpet; washing, folding, and putting away two loads of laundry; spot cleaning the walls (a pinch of baking soda on a damp cloth works just as well, if not better, and is less expensive then the Mr Clean Magic Eraser); and emptying and taking out the trash.

Now I'm off to bed to read for a bit and then sleep until my alarm goes off at 5am to wake me up for PT. The price to pay for my awesome place is that I have to be out the door by 0530 to make it to 0630 PT on time. It's a price I gladly long as you don't ask me at 0500 when I'm hitting the snooze button on my alarm and counting the days till I can sleep in again.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you don't crash the day after a super-productive day, the way I do...might help that you're not pregnant. ;)
